A snack we saw in the streets in Shanghai. It’s sold as breakfast only in the morning. A thin layer of flour pastry was heated with an egg mashed on it. Then spring onion, chives and a sauce with red pepper powder were added. Finally a crispy sheet made of… Continue Reading Staple food pancake of Shandong

Please subscribe to 【李樟柳 Lizhangliu 】 Lizhangliu Channel on YouTube if you like my videos : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAez… Turn on the little bell for notification and be the first one to watch Lizhangliu’s videos~ 开启小铃铛通知,第一时间观看#李樟柳Lizhangliu 精彩视频哦~ The pears planted in Yun ‘an are ripe. Sweet sweet sweet pears are full of… Continue Reading Big and sweet pears, pick a basket to make traditional Chinese food把又大又甜的梨子,做成中国传统美食丨Lizhangliu

San Francisco’s Chinatown is the oldest and largest Chinatown in the United States, but with Chinese restaurants and shops sprouting in most suburbs, the area has fallen on hard times. A new venture called China Live is looking to breathe new life into the community. Subscribe to us on YouTube:… Continue Reading New venture hopes to revive San Francisco’s Chinatown food culture

#小怪美食侦探 #Chinesefood #酥烧 👉江苏连云港赣榆周记酥烧 哈喽 大家好!这里是【小怪美食侦探】的唯一官方YouTube频道。 💗喜欢我的视频别忘了订阅我的频道哦~💗 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY3XTgKCyw_cmwsDtSiTvMw?sub_confirmation=1 跟小怪一起踏上美味之旅,探寻特色美食 敲响小铃铛🔔,可以第一时间收到我的频道动态哦~ ============================ Hi guys! Plaese subscribe to my Channel on YouTube if you like my videos 👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY3XTgKCyw_cmwsDtSiTvMw?sub_confirmation=1 💖Thanks For Watching, Like, Comment & Share! Turn on the bell🔔 , and get my first hand feed here! ============================ 更多精彩影片: 牛肉汤 (beef… Continue Reading 【葱香酥烧】别的地方买不到的特色美食,大叔20年老手艺,1元一个,半天炸十几锅不够卖📍 江苏连云港💖欢迎订阅我的频道!

Keywords: Wuxi cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, tuanzi, Chinese pastry I also read elsewhere that ancient yulanbing “magnolia cakes” did contain magnolias, and were indeed available only in spring when the eponymous flower bloomed. 后来在其他文章当中,也有看到介绍玉兰饼从前的确包含玉兰,并且只有花期才会供应。 Magnolia petals would be picked, washed, dried and finely chopped, then mixed w/ sticky rice flour left… Continue Reading I Came, I Saw Magnolias, I Conquered Some Magnolia Cakes

Please subscribe to 【李樟柳 Lizhangliu 】 Lizhangliu Channel on YouTube if you like my videos : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAezC8oBu8KoJbJURlRltWw/videos Turn on the little bell for notification and be the first one to watch Lizhangliu’s videos~ 开启小铃铛通知,第一时间观看#李樟柳Lizhangliu 精彩视频哦~ The blueberries are ripe in the mountains. Hanging in clusters under the green leaves. Blue… Continue Reading Amazing blueberry ! Used for fruit and Chinese food|酸甜可口的藍莓,成熟後除了做藍莓醬,還能做成美食丨Lizhangliu Channel

A traditional Chinese breakfast street food. This Tianjin Crepe stand is located inside the mall and just outside of the Sunny Supermarket at Leslie and Finch (Toronto). It’s been here for years and it’s a tasty treat for morning shoppers. A little sweet from the hoisin, a little spicy from… Continue Reading Jianbing / 煎饼 (Shandong style) in Toronto

Hangzhou, once the capital of China, is considered one of the country’s most beautiful cities, with a scenic lake, ancient pagodas, and refined street food. Locals keep dishes light and fresh, with flavors erring on the sweet side. We picked out five things you must try in Hangzhou. For more… Continue Reading 5 Street Food Dishes You Must Try in Hangzhou

Please subscribe to 【李樟柳 Lizhangliu 】 Lizhangliu Channel on YouTube if you like my videos : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAez… Turn on the little bell for notification and be the first one to watch Lizhangliu’s videos~ 开启小铃铛通知,第一时间观看#李樟柳Lizhangliu 精彩视频哦~ A large field of peaches grows beside the Yangtze River. Peaches ripen every May. The… Continue Reading Amazing peach ! Used for fruit and Chinese food|香香甜甜的桃子,成熟後除了做桃子醬,還能做成美食|李樟柳 Lizhangliu