Most of the Chinese food enjoyed in the USA is from south China but today we can see the food people from the Jiangsu province (Shanghai area) frequently eat. source

Keywords: Wuxi cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, tuanzi, Chinese pastry I also read elsewhere that ancient yulanbing “magnolia cakes” did contain magnolias, and were indeed available only in spring when the eponymous flower bloomed. 后来在其他文章当中,也有看到介绍玉兰饼从前的确包含玉兰,并且只有花期才会供应。 Magnolia petals would be picked, washed, dried and finely chopped, then mixed w/ sticky rice flour left… Continue Reading I Came, I Saw Magnolias, I Conquered Some Magnolia Cakes

Jiangsu province which borders on Shanghai has a history of thousands of years. The Yangtze River runs through the southern part of Jiangsu reaching the Eastern China Sea whilst the magnificent Grande Canal runs from the north to the south, traversing all the east-west river system.At present, Jiangsu has a… Continue Reading EP 25 Jiangsu | China