Non-Stick Egg Pudding is a famous dish in China, today I will learn how to make it with the chef! “Non-Stick” means non-stick plates, non-stick spoon, non-stick teeth! and it is made with the simplest ingredient: egg yolk! I will learn the production step by step, It is said that… Continue Reading Non-Stick Egg Pudding Challenge! 300 Times Stir-fried!【Yummy Shanny】

山東的辣椒炒肉為啥那麽好吃?原來魯菜師傅是這樣做,難怪這麽香【劉姐廚房 Magic Food】#辣椒炒肉 歡迎訂閱👉 大家好,歡迎來到劉姐廚房! 我會在這個頻道分享我的美食日常,我熱愛美食,擅長家常菜、面食、湯羹。 大家可以試著學習做一下,希望大家的生活可以越來越美好。 喜歡美食的朋友們可以訂閱下哦。記得點擊小鈴鐺 🔔🔔 如果出現英文字幕檔住了中文字幕,或者是有雙重中文字幕,大家可以按下CC關掉內建字幕(手機版的在右上角,電腦版的在右下角)。 【面食做法🍜】 【家常菜品🍛】 【美味湯羹🥣】 【自製零食🍿】 【自製面包🍞】 【自製餅類🍪】 【豬肉解饞🥩】 【涼菜做法🥒】 【水餃混沌面條🍜】 source

Chicken wings are a staple food at The Wolfe Pit! Deep fried, grilled, smoked, BBQ’d, pan fried, broiled, baked, you name it! The key to great wings is a crispy skin and a good sauce. Hot, mild, sweet, tangy or savory, the sauce it the magical ingredient that can make… Continue Reading Hunan Chicken Wings – Spicy Asian Wings – Chinese Chicken Wings


PANEER RECIPES – For detailed recipe click on the link below – INGREDIENTS Paneer cubes – 250 gms Maida – ½ cup Cornflour – 2 tbsp Pepper pwdr – 1 ½ tsp Baking soda – a generous pinch or ½ tsp eno pwdr to make the batter light… Continue Reading Paneer in hunan sauce recipe/ Chinese paneer starters/ How to make hunan sauce/ hunan sauce /Paneer

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大家好,我是超子,今天给大家分享一道传统鲁菜腊八蒜熘肚片家常做法,需要准备的食材:猪肚,辣椒,胡萝卜,蒜苗,腊八蒜,姜片,料酒,生抽酱油,白糖,鸡精,胡椒粉,水淀粉。 传统鲁菜『腊八蒜熘肚片』家常做法,熘汁烹醋,鲜香味美,下酒又下饭【超子美食】 #鲁菜#腊八蒜熘肚片#家常菜 订阅我~👉 大家好这里是超子美食, 我是超子,超子专注于美食制作,不管是乡村菜品还是色香味俱全的硬菜,超子这边都会有所涉及。 专注家庭美食制作,一天一道家常菜,用美食记录生活。 如果喜欢的话~拜托点赞评论订阅~您的喜欢是我最大的荣幸~ 谢谢~! source

One of the most delicious Chendol in Amoy chendol at the Chinatown hawker centre. A perfect dessert to cool yourself from scorching heat. Mountain of flaky ice covered with fresh and rich coconut milk, red azuki beans, the green jelly noodles (which were incredibly soft and had pandan flavour to… Continue Reading Delicious Chendol | Chinatown Food Center


When it comes to Chinese food, eight regional cuisines make up the essence of almost all of its styles and flavors. These regional cuisines are different from province to province. Today we will go to 4 different households to experience 4 different gourmet cuisines – Cantonese, Hunan, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.… Continue Reading PREMIERE! The Top 8 Chinese Regional Cuisines Part 1 | EP23 Open China