Jianbing is the BEST Chinese street food there is. Hands down. Even if you disagree with me, I know deep down you WANT to agree, because jianbing is a gift from the heavens. Well, not really. It’s a gift from the Shandong Province dating back 2,000 years, when Chancellor Zhuge… Continue Reading Jianbing is the BEST Chinese Street Food EVER

Jianbing (simplified Chinese: 煎饼) is a traditional Chinese street food similar to crepes. It is a type of bing generally eaten for breakfast and hailed as “one of China’s most popular street breakfasts.” The main ingredients of jianbing are a batter of wheat and grain flour, eggs and sauces. It… Continue Reading Shandong Pancake(Jianbing),山东煎饼 | Breakfast | Chinese street food

#山东煎饼#中国美食#家庭美味 大家好,我是鲁小味,一个爱好美食的地道吃货,不管是探店还是自己动手做,我都会把美食和美好生活的热爱用视频的形式表达出来。 爱美食,爱生活,更爱家—鲁小味 source

A traditional Chinese breakfast street food. This Tianjin Crepe stand is located inside the mall and just outside of the Sunny Supermarket at Leslie and Finch (Toronto). It’s been here for years and it’s a tasty treat for morning shoppers. A little sweet from the hoisin, a little spicy from… Continue Reading Jianbing / 煎饼 (Shandong style) in Toronto