Keywords: Suzhou cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, fried fish, grass carp Nowadays grass carp is often used for Suzhou fried fish, although some gastronomes insist black carp is better because the flesh is firmer, resulting in fried pieces that won’t crumble as easily. Some are also willing to pay a premium for… Continue Reading More on Suzhou's Famous FMHJ Wet Market: “Explosive” Fried Fish Worthy of Three-Hour Lines

大家好,我是麦总!今天来淮扬菜之乡江苏淮安寻美食,一家生意爆火的长鱼面,新鲜黄鳝现烫现炒,一碗面35块起步贵吗? 🔷贵州难民火锅 🔶山东夜市鲅鱼煎饼 🔷94年女孩卖盒饭 生活中一大爱好是尝遍美食 立志走遍大江南北挖掘市井中的美味 带给大家不一样的美食文化 喜欢我就点击订阅吧: 江苏淮安,最火爆软兜长鱼面,1碗面35元起步,新鲜黄鳝现烫现炒【麦总去哪吃】 #麦总去哪吃 #黄鳝 #街头美食 #面食 #探寻美食 source

Keywords: Nanjing cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, beef potsticker, Yihe Road, Chinese halal cuisine Being the “first” doesn’t necessarily mean being ranked first, not to mention the subjectivity in everyone’s personal ranking on who’s “first,” but I think only the most audacious soul would dare question Ma Xiangxing’s seminal role in beef… Continue Reading Nanjing's Oldest Halal Restaurant Est. 1845 and Famed for Duck Pancreas, Beef Potsticker and More

Keywords: Nanjing city wall, Gate of China, Zhonghuamen, pidu noodles, pork rind noodles, Nanjing cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine About the jubaopen “treasure-gathering basin,” some online sources say that when the Nanjing city wall was being built, for some reason the foundation would always budge, then some mystic advised burying a powerful… Continue Reading Nanjing Pork Rind Noodles and Salted Duck + 600 Years-old Ancient City Gate Among World's Biggest

Keywords: Nanjing cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, duck blood and vermicelli soup, Ming Xiaoling, Mausoleum of Hongwu Emperor Although this “most beautiful 600m in Nanjing” is most renowned during autumn because of the fall foliage, surely the shendao “spirit road” is beautiful in other ways during other seasons. 尽管这”南京最美600米”在秋天尤美,但毫无疑问这段神道在其他季节有其他的美法。 The ornate statues… Continue Reading Stroll Down Nanjing's “Prettiest 600 Meters” and Slurp on Bowl of Duck Blood and Vermicelli Soup

Keywords: Nanjing cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, zhezhe claypot, duck tongue, soup bun, Qixia Mountain Due to the nature of the Chinese language and its dialects, many foods have developed various similar-sounding but different-looking written forms. 由于中文及其方言的特性,很多单词包括食物的单词常常发展出不同写法。 One instance from this video is cuttlefish 目鱼 (mu yu), which is generally… Continue Reading “Zhezhe-Sounding” and Sizzling Claypot of Duck Tongue – Cantonese Dish Localized for “Duck Capital”

Keywords: Wuxi cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, tuanzi, Chinese pastry I also read elsewhere that ancient yulanbing “magnolia cakes” did contain magnolias, and were indeed available only in spring when the eponymous flower bloomed. 后来在其他文章当中,也有看到介绍玉兰饼从前的确包含玉兰,并且只有花期才会供应。 Magnolia petals would be picked, washed, dried and finely chopped, then mixed w/ sticky rice flour left… Continue Reading I Came, I Saw Magnolias, I Conquered Some Magnolia Cakes

Keywords: Suzhou cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, mutton, Lamb, Cangshu, Tianping Mountain The “lake sheep” huyang was previously written as 胡羊 not 湖羊, with the 胡 in the former probably denoting its “foreign” or “barbarian” origin. This 胡 nomenclature dates back to ancient times. For example, the wide range of bing (饼)… Continue Reading Southern Chinese Cuisine Has No Tasty Mutton? Try Suzhou's Cangshu Mutton Cooked in Wooden Tub

In this week’s episode we wanted to show you a taste of Jiangsu Cuisine, it is one of the prettiest and most presentable cuisines and has a rich history as well as very special and bold flavours! 6) 文思豆腐- Needle tofu Starting off the list, I wanted to show you… Continue Reading Jiangsu Cuisine. 8 Great Chinese Cuisines Part 2

Stay tuned for our next episode…. It might be Xinjiang, Fujian or Beijing…. CHE LI LITTLE ALLEY TIPSY SHANGHAI 456 SHANGHAI Subscribe Here! Check out my top videos! ——————————— Do you want to work in media? Do you have film skills? We’re looking for… Continue Reading Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang Food Explained Pt. 1