港式豉油雞 感謝您的觀看。如果您喜歡這部影片,敬請訂閱、按讚及分享。謝謝您的支持。 音樂 Music by YouTube Audio Library Allégro – Emmit Fenn 食材 豉油雞: – 全雞 (2公斤) ; 老抽 (30毫升) ; 紹興酒 (15毫升) ; 細砂糖 (10公克) ; 蒜頭 (30公克) ; 薑 (30公克) ; 八角 (3公克) ; 青蔥 (30公克) ; 生抽 (250毫升) ; 陳皮 (5公克) ; 冰糖 (10公克) ; 清水 (50+1000毫升)… Continue Reading 港式豉油雞 Cantonese Cuisine Soy Sauce Chicken – Wild Dining Table

Hello everyone, after a long hiatus from weddings to house buying and renovations, Feeding Rebecca is finally looking to jump start our eating adventure once again on YouTube. This 2021 Las Vegas Food Tour & Adventure was well worth it to celebrate our one year marriage anniversary. You get to… Continue Reading Las Vegas Couples Food Tour | OmegaMart, Bacchanal, Chinatown, Wynn, Resort World, Lost Spirits

Full video of a great single track, near Huangshan in Anhui province, China. (Decent into Chengkan Scenic Area 呈坎景区 and old town) https://www.strava.com/activities/852472283 source

Keywords: Suzhou cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, mutton, Lamb, Cangshu, Tianping Mountain The “lake sheep” huyang was previously written as 胡羊 not 湖羊, with the 胡 in the former probably denoting its “foreign” or “barbarian” origin. This 胡 nomenclature dates back to ancient times. For example, the wide range of bing (饼)… Continue Reading Southern Chinese Cuisine Has No Tasty Mutton? Try Suzhou's Cangshu Mutton Cooked in Wooden Tub