苏菜(Jiangsu Cuisine)之所以享誉海内外,除了有口感佳、卖相好的因素外,更因其具有食材及口味高度多元化的特征。从苏北地区普遍味重、偏咸的牛羊肉料理到苏南普遍清淡、偏甜的各式鱼鲜及甜品,都能够很好地迎合大江南北不同人群的口味需求。 本周六晚间8点,“#水韵江苏”线上旅展(第四期)分享会将邀请到新加坡旅游美食达人 Tony (Johor Kaki),与大家分享江苏各地特色美食,敬请锁定:https://bit.ly/38HYA7E 本期的 #看视频赢奖品 活动,奖品为一套精美青花瓷餐具。敬请留意本周末在 @好玩江苏 Explore Jiangsu FB专页的问答详情。 ======================================= 展览日期:2021年2月26日至4月30日 主办单位: 江苏省文化和旅游厅 江苏旅游(新加坡)推广中心 #看视频答题赢奖品! #点击填写右上角问卷赢奖品! 不要错过哟~ #江苏旅游 #旅游 #美食 #新加坡 #explorexuzhou #explorejiangsu #水韵江苏有你会更美 #中国文化中心 #JohorKaki ======================================= 【更多精彩内容 欢迎订阅👇】 Twitter:​https://twitter.com/ExploreJiangsu​ 难忘徐州Facebook主页:https://www.facebook.com/ExploreXuzhou 好玩江苏Facebook主页:https://www.facebook.com/ExploreJiangsu IG: instagram.com/amazingxuzhou ,Instagram.com/explorejiangsu source

Huaiyang cuisine is derived from the native cooking styles of the region surrounding the lower reaches of the Huai and Yangtze rivers, and centered upon the cities of Huai’an, Yangzhou and Zhenjiang in Jiangsu province. It is widely seen in Chinese culinary circles as the most popular and prestigious style… Continue Reading Eat | Jiuniang ribs – Sweet and sour Chinese delicacy【Chinese cuisine tutorial】

In this week’s episode we wanted to show you a taste of Jiangsu Cuisine, it is one of the prettiest and most presentable cuisines and has a rich history as well as very special and bold flavours! 6) 文思豆腐- Needle tofu Starting off the list, I wanted to show you… Continue Reading Jiangsu Cuisine. 8 Great Chinese Cuisines Part 2