♦歡迎訂閱我的頻道,第一時間就能收到美食報報唷♦ 👉訂閱我 https://reurl.cc/g0WYLQ 00:00 簡介 00:52 慢燉筍殼魚豆腐湯(需提前預訂) Marble Goby Fish with Tofu Soup 04:00 麻辣小龍蝦(需提前預訂) Hot and Spicy Crawfish 06:21 好湘啤酒鴨 Stewed Duck in Beer 08:22 剁椒霸王魚頭 Steamed Fish Head with Chopped Chillies 09:50 毛氏紅燒肉 Signature Braised Pork Belly 湘菜(湖南菜),是中國的八大菜系之一,有著耐人尋味的學問,有著很令人振奮的滋味。透過博大精深辣的功夫,把紅通通的辣,淋漓盡致發揮出,從入味、透味、本味,完整且道地呈現湘菜的迷人。感情中,因為在乎彼此而選擇更「好」;餐桌上,因為擁有彼此而吃得更「湘」。來湘菜沙龍,圍成一桌把酒言歡,與好友一同湘聚。 **店家資訊** 有你真好 湘菜沙龍 06-2157977 台南市中西區五妃街203號 Google Map:https://goo.gl/maps/qk3tnGVM91u9KESH7 有你真好湘菜沙龍 高雄鼓山店 07-5612888… Continue Reading 2022米其林餐盤推薦|碳佐麻里品牌|有你真好 湘菜沙龍 |湖南菜|Hunan cuisine, Steamed Fish Head with Chopped Chillies

China has a lot more than eight different cuisines, but these are the 8 great ones. In this video, let’s dig a little deeper into Sichuan, Guangdong, Hunan, Shandong, Anhui, Fujian, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu Cuisines. It includes their distinctive characteristics, flavors, history, special ingredients, popular dishes, and others. 00:00 –… Continue Reading The Eight Major Cuisines of China | 中国八大菜系 | Chinese Food Culture

What’s up you lovely people, welcome to a new series: The 8 Great Regional Cuisines of Chinese cooking, part 3 we have Cantonese Cuisine, Yue Cai, this is perhaps my favourite cuisine out of the 8, although some other ones comes close! Just to clarify no dim sums will be… Continue Reading Top 6 dishes in Cantonese Cuisine! Exceptionally delicious!

This week, we reviewed Fujian Cuisine! Fujian, a province located on the Southeastern coast of China, full of charming beaches and gorgeous mountains! But we are here to review the food!  Fujian cuisine is known to be light but flavourful, soft, and tender, with particular emphasis on umami taste, known in Chinese… Continue Reading Fujian Cuisine, THE MOST EXPENSIVE SOUP IN THE WORLD!!!

In this week’s episode we wanted to show you a taste of Jiangsu Cuisine, it is one of the prettiest and most presentable cuisines and has a rich history as well as very special and bold flavours! 6) 文思豆腐- Needle tofu Starting off the list, I wanted to show you… Continue Reading Jiangsu Cuisine. 8 Great Chinese Cuisines Part 2

Hello you lovely people, welcome to another episode of the 8 great cuisines of Chinese culinary world, today I am joined by my great friend Rocco and we are exploring Zhe Cai- Zhejiang cuisine! Zhejiang a eastern coastal city bordered by Shanghai and Jiangsu, so Zhejiang and Jiangsu have very… Continue Reading Zhejiang Cuisine, Purest of all Chinese Cuisines

Anhui cuisine, or simply Hui cuisine, is originated over 1,000 years ago from Huizhou, the current Shexian County at the foot of Yellow Mountain in Anhui Province. Anhui cuisine is one of the eight Chinese cuisines. The ingredients are mostly from the wild, and the flavor is light. Anhui cuisine attaches importance to dietetic… Continue Reading UNHEARD OF CHINESE FOOD?? Anhui Cuisine!