Let’s eat Dongpo Pork today. A Bite of Dongpo Pork Pork, which was not popular thousands of years ago, has now become the most impressive part of the G20 banquet because of the endorsement by Su Dongpo! Nowadays, Dongpo porkis a prominent dish in Hangzhou cuisineand the most impressive dish… Continue Reading Dongpo Pork 东坡肉 |Zhejiang|浙江|红烧肉|中国美食|Chinese food| pork stewed in soy sauce

Keywords: Nanjing Eye, Wenzhou cuisine The original design of the Nanjing Eye Pedestrian Bridge by the firm of Zaha Hadid, also responsible for the nearby Nanjing International Youth Cultural Centre, initially harbored much bigger ambitions, but constraints forced the plan to downscale, but even then the result was sufficient to… Continue Reading In-Season Wenzhou Crabs Have Lots More Than Just Meat, and Wenzhou Fishballs Don't Look Like Balls

Intellectual products made in Zhejiang make Beijing Winter Olympics much more amazing than the Tokyo Olympics! Smart beds, medal ribbons that won’t break, and the main torch that turns up… These black technologies of Winter Olympics are all made in Zhejiang! What makes foreign athletes call amazing as soon as… Continue Reading Beijing Winter Olympics and Intellectual products made in Zhejiang 北京冬奥 浙江智造

浙江衢州有家33年的老店,开成了一个小型工厂,专业卤鸭货,鸭掌和鸭头,2千斤鸭掌煮7大锅,只用环保颗粒烧锅炉,太舍得了。 鸭血粉丝汤:https://youtu.be/v5O9S9tNJhU 南京鸭血粉丝:https://youtu.be/sQFpPrH6eJk 盐水鸭:https://youtu.be/60BnJY4jaQA 大家好,我是麦总,生活中一大爱好是尝遍美食 立志走遍大江南北挖掘市井中的美味 带给大家不一样的美食文化 喜欢我就点击订阅吧:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX-M8j9vQ-oUGO9Mckd601A?sub_confirmation=1 #卤鸭掌#鸭头#麦总去哪吃 source

#美食 #vlog #中國 #街頭美食 即使在中國人的印像中,浙江美食也絕對是口味溫和的代表。但在這裡竟然藏著一座“超能吃辣”的城市——衢州。或許你沒有聽說過這裡,但你可能會知道周迅(第25屆香港金像獎最佳女主角及第43屆金馬獎最佳女主角香港電影評論學會大獎、香港電影金紫荊獎等多個影后獎座),衢州,正是她的老家的家鄉。這次在衢州,我們發現了很多好吃的街頭美食,快來跟我一起看看吧~ Even in the impression of Chinese people, Zhejiang cuisine is definitely the representative of mild taste. But here lies a city that is “super spicy” – Quzhou. You may not have heard of it, but you may know Zhou Xun, the famous Chinese film actress’… Continue Reading 2022 中國美食之旅 中國浙江竟然藏著一個超能吃辣的城市? !覓食衢州72小時

【Hidden Menu】—— ErgengTv Originals 浙江省武義縣麻田村,春筍是最令當地人興奮的。 與別處挖筍不同,武義人挖筍必定背著鐵鍋和咸肉。 筍的鮮味在於水分,下山後,便是筍食用的最佳時刻。 平凡人不平凡的故事 everyday stories from China 訂閱我們: Subscribe to us: https://goo.gl/wHQT2E 🎆Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ichinabout/ 💐Facebook: https://business.facebook.com/ErgengTV/ ✨Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@chinabout 【二更】熱門視頻 ➡️【堪稱中國版《寄生蟲》,80後的他卻活出了自己的樣子】https://youtu.be/5jDY1nLQhBs ➡️【全民戰疫 第五集:復工24小時之萬物重生】https://youtu.be/7wwxNJoMG_s ➡️【人人都哭窮,二更今天請來了三位“百億”小哥 || 嚴肅科學】https://youtu.be/-vVsf2i7RlU 【二更】熱門美食 ➡️【春天來了,春韭就來了】https://youtu.be/iwZzDOpXkrs ➡️【這道讓你“流淚”的四川美食,哭著都要吃完】https://youtu.be/csYVcKSXQng ➡️【吃龍蝦就能看帥氣軍大哥?長沙這個地道湘菜館可千萬不能錯過】https://youtu.be/K9sm9g17jfQ #chinesefood #bambooshoots #zhejiang #美食 #中國美食 #vegetarianism source

浙江96年川娃子菜场卤肥肠,从屠宰到出锅不超6小时,一天要卖一吨多,春节一天卖29万,想吃得给挤靠抢 【美食西施们】 1.烤肉西施 2.肥肠西施 3.板面西施 大家好,我是勇哥!吃货们在这里集合啦! 走街串巷吃遍每条小巷,你见不到的小吃这里都有~ 我会在Youtube分享展示全国美食 用视频带大家感受当地原生态生活内容! 喜欢视频的朋友记得订阅我的频道!谢谢大家的支持,欢迎留言讨论! ▶https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLKTz7KNzMj9SEkAZNybW7w?sub_confirmation=1 #好食勇哥#小吃#美食#探店 source

● 欢迎订阅 BlueberryTV 频道 PLEASE SUBSCRIBE OUR CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/BlueberryTV 浙江,位于中国东南沿海,有“鱼米之乡”之称。视频创作者和伙伴们一起了解了古时当地的一位官员——潘琴,参观了他的古宅,还见到了潘琴的后人,还向几位阿姨学习了当地菜肴的烹饪。 Zhejiang, located on the southeast coast of China, is known as the “land of fish and rice”. The video creator, together with friends, visited the house of Pan Qin, an ancient local official, met Pan’s descendants and learned the cooking… Continue Reading A Foreigner Cooking Special Zhejiang Cuisine 外国人做浙江特色菜 |Beautiful Zhejiang|Blueberry TV

Hello you lovely people, welcome to another episode of the 8 great cuisines of Chinese culinary world, today I am joined by my great friend Rocco and we are exploring Zhe Cai- Zhejiang cuisine! Zhejiang a eastern coastal city bordered by Shanghai and Jiangsu, so Zhejiang and Jiangsu have very… Continue Reading Zhejiang Cuisine, Purest of all Chinese Cuisines