Hairy tofu is what its name suggests: tofu with wisps of white hair growing out of it. The hairs are the result of a fungal spore that inoculates the tofu, giving it a texture akin to blue cheese. It’s a beloved specialty in the Chinese province of Anhui, where people… Continue Reading Why Is This Chinese Tofu Hairy?

大家好,我是勇哥!吃货们在这里集合啦! 走街串巷吃遍每条小巷,你见不到的小吃这里都有~ 安徽大爷卖毛豆腐,一块钱一个,好吃又实惠 安徽82岁大爷家门口卖一元小吃,块块长满白长毛,客人都围锅边吃【好食勇哥】 我会在Youtube分享展示全国美食 用视频带大家感受当地原生态生活内容! 喜欢视频的朋友记得订阅我的频道!谢谢大家的支持,欢迎留言讨论! ▶ #好食勇哥#小吃毛豆腐#霉豆腐 source

#徐大sao#毛豆腐#徽菜 大家好,我是大sao。来到黄山第二顿,本地朋友晚上请吃饭,吃一顿好的,黄山特产、特色美食,正宗徽菜“毛豆腐”,大sao解锁新吃法,一口毛豆腐,一口大蒜,吃过瘾了! 大家好,这里是“徐大sao”YouTube唯一官方频道 每天会在YouTube平台,和大家分享好吃、美味的食物 大家的点赞和订阅都是对我来说很宝贵的,喜欢就关注我吧! source

Anhui cuisine, or simply Hui cuisine, is originated over 1,000 years ago from Huizhou, the current Shexian County at the foot of Yellow Mountain in Anhui Province. Anhui cuisine is one of the eight Chinese cuisines. The ingredients are mostly from the wild, and the flavor is light. Anhui cuisine attaches importance to dietetic… Continue Reading UNHEARD OF CHINESE FOOD?? Anhui Cuisine!