蔡蔡是厦门人,这次我们来到布鲁克林八大道,尝试了传统福建小吃, 肉燕,福州鱼丸和拌面。对蔡蔡来说,这就是家乡的味道。而且三道只要九美元。 美食林鱼丸MAYLIN GARDEN:5506 8th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11220 之后我们又去了国内最近流行的重庆鸡公煲,但是这个连锁其实是福建的莆田人在上海研发出来,流行全中国的。重庆只是因为创始人名叫重庆。和重庆的地名没有关系。 重庆鸡公煲chongqing chicken pot : 5216 8th ave, Brooklyn,NY,11220 蔡蔡的ins 是 @sabrinacaii 感谢Lavencious对主持人的饰品赞助,如果您对节目中出现的饰品(项链,耳环及戒指)感兴趣, 频道粉丝大量新品专享折扣:15% OFF, 折扣码: 15Sales2020 Lavencious Amazon链接: https://www.amazon.com/gp/mpc/AOI6F7DCFPQKR 或者Amazon搜索Lavencious 进入店铺 https://www.amazon.com/lavencious 成为我们的会员,观看会员专享内容。 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JB-GgibT00dQPROAj_ohQ/join 拍摄本视频所使用的设备有 拍摄设备为三星S20 Samsung Galaxy S20 5G Factory Unlocked… Continue Reading 布鲁克林八大道福建美食:传统vs新派。 纽约美食日记 12月15日 Fujian Cuisine in Brooklyn 8th Ave

一分鐘學烹飪閩南貢品“天宮糕”做法,軟嫩甜爽口味獨特 One minute to learn how to cook “Tiangong Cake”, a tribute from southern Fujian, which has a unique soft and sweet taste #闽南习俗 #贡品 #闽南风味 #天公糕 #糕点 本频道专注于分享各种健康美食生活百科小心得,请订阅我的频道,并支持个【 闪电五连赞】哦~ 订阅阿珊爱分享频道: https://bit.ly/ashan0425 阿珊爱分享博客: http://ashanshare.com 美食爱好者TG交流群: https://t.me/Gourmetcooking source

閩菜第二季,完整視頻Fujian cuisine Season 2, full video~~~ @管爺教做菜 Master Guan teaches cooking @People Vs Food @Best Ever Food Review Show @Veg Village Food @The Food Ranger @123 GO! FOOD @美味人生TastyLife @小穎美食 @一画美食 @美食作家王刚 @美食天堂 – 美味家常料理食譜 一學就會 @美味生活HowLiving source

閩菜第三季,完整視頻Fujian cuisine Season 3, full video~~~ @管爺教做菜 Master Guan teaches cooking @People Vs Food @Best Ever Food Review Show @Veg Village Food @The Food Ranger @123 GO! FOOD @美味人生TastyLife @小穎美食 @一画美食 @美食作家王刚 @美食天堂 – 美味家常料理食譜 一學就會 @美味生活HowLiving source

This week, we reviewed Fujian Cuisine! Fujian, a province located on the Southeastern coast of China, full of charming beaches and gorgeous mountains! But we are here to review the food!  Fujian cuisine is known to be light but flavourful, soft, and tender, with particular emphasis on umami taste, known in Chinese… Continue Reading Fujian Cuisine, THE MOST EXPENSIVE SOUP IN THE WORLD!!!