♦歡迎訂閱我的頻道,第一時間就能收到美食報報唷♦ 👉訂閱我 https://reurl.cc/g0WYLQ 00:00 簡介 00:52 慢燉筍殼魚豆腐湯(需提前預訂) Marble Goby Fish with Tofu Soup 04:00 麻辣小龍蝦(需提前預訂) Hot and Spicy Crawfish 06:21 好湘啤酒鴨 Stewed Duck in Beer 08:22 剁椒霸王魚頭 Steamed Fish Head with Chopped Chillies 09:50 毛氏紅燒肉 Signature Braised Pork Belly 湘菜(湖南菜),是中國的八大菜系之一,有著耐人尋味的學問,有著很令人振奮的滋味。透過博大精深辣的功夫,把紅通通的辣,淋漓盡致發揮出,從入味、透味、本味,完整且道地呈現湘菜的迷人。感情中,因為在乎彼此而選擇更「好」;餐桌上,因為擁有彼此而吃得更「湘」。來湘菜沙龍,圍成一桌把酒言歡,與好友一同湘聚。 **店家資訊** 有你真好 湘菜沙龍 06-2157977 台南市中西區五妃街203號 Google Map:https://goo.gl/maps/qk3tnGVM91u9KESH7 有你真好湘菜沙龍 高雄鼓山店 07-5612888… Continue Reading 2022米其林餐盤推薦|碳佐麻里品牌|有你真好 湘菜沙龍 |湖南菜|Hunan cuisine, Steamed Fish Head with Chopped Chillies

Hello you lovely people, welcome to another episode of the 8 great cuisines of Chinese culinary world, today I am joined by my great friend Rocco and we are exploring Zhe Cai- Zhejiang cuisine! Zhejiang a eastern coastal city bordered by Shanghai and Jiangsu, so Zhejiang and Jiangsu have very… Continue Reading Zhejiang Cuisine, Purest of all Chinese Cuisines