This week, we reviewed Fujian Cuisine! Fujian, a province located on the Southeastern coast of China, full of charming beaches and gorgeous mountains! But we are here to review the food!  Fujian cuisine is known to be light but flavourful, soft, and tender, with particular emphasis on umami taste, known in Chinese cooking as xianwei, being located on the coast, it fully utilizes the abundance of rich seafood it has at its disposal! This is part 6 of the 8 Great Regional Cuisines of Chinese Cooking!

Dishes we tried:
1) Oyster Salad
2) Three Cups Chicken
3) Sha Cha Pot
4) Buddha Jumps Over the Wall


0:00 Sneak Peak at the Menu
2:07 Oyster Salad
4:08 Three Cup Chicken
6:02 Sha Cha Pot
8:26 Buddha Jumping Over The Wall (The World’s Most Expensive Soup!!!)
13:08 Final Takeaways
16:29 Bloopers


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