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Chinese vendor cooks grilled squid on the beach in Weihai, Shandong, China. I love Chinese street food, but this is Chinese BEACH food! Feel the sand under your feet and the salty sea breeze in your hair as you enjoy this short video about cooking and eating squid on a… Continue Reading Grilled Squid on a Stick in Shandong, China 铁板鱿鱼

The family in Hengdong county, Hunan are making distiller’s yeast balls. Distiller’s yeast is generally used to brew rice wine and add flavor to local dishes sometimes. On the Mid-Autumn Festival 2019, 77 aged Granny Luo made the soup with distiller’s yeast balls for her daughter, grandsons and great-grand daughters.… Continue Reading Hunan food: distiller's yeast balls

Full video of a great single track, near Huangshan in Anhui province, China. (Decent into Chengkan Scenic Area 呈坎景区 and old town) source

Keywords: Wuxi cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, tuanzi, Chinese pastry I also read elsewhere that ancient yulanbing “magnolia cakes” did contain magnolias, and were indeed available only in spring when the eponymous flower bloomed. 后来在其他文章当中,也有看到介绍玉兰饼从前的确包含玉兰,并且只有花期才会供应。 Magnolia petals would be picked, washed, dried and finely chopped, then mixed w/ sticky rice flour left… Continue Reading I Came, I Saw Magnolias, I Conquered Some Magnolia Cakes

The F-word. It keeps coming up in restaurants. Not from cooks screaming at one another in the kitchen. But this one: Fusion. It stings the ears a little and makes chefs and diners cringe in sync. So what is Bo Shanghai? For lack of a better term Bo Shanghai is… Continue Reading MICHELIN-STARRED BO SHANGHAI'S TRAIN STATION CHICKEN or POLLA ALLA SHANDONG

Nanjing Salted Duck is a traditional dish from Nanjing with a history of more than 2,000 years. In China, it is as famous as Peking Duck. It looks plain, but is packed with plenty of flavors. Tasting its best packed with requisite ginger scallion sauce. Nanjing Salted Duck is just… Continue Reading Nanjing salted duck – Dish fit for an emperor| CCTV English

Mexicali, a city that hugs the U.S./Mexico border, is known for its Chinese food. Now the city is honoring its history with Chinese immigration through a new museum dedicated to the city’s fusion of Chinese and Mexican food. source