We spend 24hrs just eating street food in the city of Chengdu. It was pretty easy because there are so many good things to eat in the capital of Sichuan cuisine. We managed to try a variety of things that we hadn’t had before and some old favourites to compare.… Continue Reading 24hrs of Sichuan street food in Chengdu (93 RMB/$13!!!)

In this video, we explore the city of Chengdu. We experience the tasty local cuisine. Explore some of its beautiful parks and temples, and indulge in Chengdu’s favourite past time, drinking tea. Meandering our way through this city it made us question is Chengdu China’s most relaxing city? So leave… Continue Reading Is this China's most RELAXING city?

欢迎来到成都火锅之旅!这个视频为您介绍成都的特色美食和旅游景点,包括火锅、下午茶、正宗川菜、宽窄巷子、春熙路和锦里等。作为中国著名的美食之都,成都以其独特的麻辣口味和精致的菜品而闻名于世。成都火锅更是其代表菜品之一,以其独特的火锅底料、新鲜的食材和丰富的调料而著名。在这个视频中,您将会看到成都火锅的制作过程和吃法,感受到火锅文化的独特魅力。 除了火锅,成都还有其他让人垂涎欲滴的美食,例如下午茶和正宗川菜。成都下午茶是一种悠闲、舒适的生活方式,人们可以在茶馆里品尝各种茶点,享受与朋友聊天的时光。而正宗的川菜更是成都的一大亮点,以麻辣、鲜香、口感丰富而著称于世,其中的水煮鱼、辣子鸡和麻婆豆腐等菜品更是让人回味无穷。 此外,成都还有许多著名的旅游景点,例如宽窄巷子、春熙路和锦里等。宽窄巷子是成都历史悠久的文化街区,以独特的四合院建筑、传统的文化和美食而闻名于世。春熙路则是成都现代化的城市中心,有着许多时尚的商场、餐饮街和夜市等,是一个集购物、娱乐和美食为一体的地方。而锦里则是成都保存完好的古街区,有着丰富的历史和文化底蕴,以特色商业街和传统手工艺品而著名。 总之,这个视频将带您领略成都的美食文化和城市风貌,了解成都悠久的历史和文化底蕴。如果您对成都的美食和旅游景点感兴趣,欢迎订阅本频道,不要忘记点赞和分享哦! Welcome to the Chengdu Hotpot Tour! This video introduces Chengdu’s specialty foods and tourist attractions, including hotpot, afternoon tea, authentic Sichuan cuisine, Kuanzhai Alley, Chunxi Road, and Jinli. The video allows you to experience Chengdu’s food culture and cityscape, and learn about its long history and… Continue Reading 成都火锅之旅 成都下午茶 正宗川菜 宽窄巷子 春熙路 锦里 DAY1 CHENGDU HOTPOT

Follow Adam, an international member of our team, as we show you some delicious traditional Sichuan cuisine. … If you’d like to teach English in China and try some of this delicious food, visit our website at www.teachdiscoverchina.com and get in touch at [email protected] source

成都知名的粤菜,每天40桌都坐满哦!现在推出199任选,他们十道特色菜真的超划算!Authentic Top Quality Cantonese Cuisine in Chengdu source

If you looking for spicy Chinese Cuisine this is the place for you. Zhe bian lai Address: BLK 71 Kallang Bahru #01-529A SINGAPORE 330071 Tel: 64439688 source

Check out https://ExpressVPN.com/thefoodranger for 3 months free w/ 1 year pack and 49% OFF! FOOD RANGER MERCH NOW AVAILABLE! http://bit.ly/FOODRANGER Follow me on Insta: http://bit.ly/2c5ojch And subscribe to my channel here: http://bit.ly/2cCy2ub Join the Food Ranger for a walk through some of Chengdu’s most lively areas and a taste of… Continue Reading Amazing Sichuan- Food Lovers Heaven!

Missed our Eat China special that aired on the Asian Food Network? Enjoy the full episodes right here. There’s not just one type of Chinese food. This is Eat China, where we dissect Chinese cuisine region by region to understand the sheer variety of flavors and techniques that have evolved… Continue Reading Eat China Special: Spicy Sichuan (E2)

Spice addicts love mala. Wonder what the science behind that is? Also, how did the sensation become the hallmark of Sichuan cuisine? This is the sixth episode of our new season of “Eat China: Back to Basics,” where we answer burning questions you might have about Chinese food. Don’t miss… Continue Reading Why Is Mala so Addictive? All about This Numbing Spicy Sensation | Eat China: Back to Basics S4E6