Download the app! MYFOJO – My Food Journey Watch Hundreds of Recipes Every Month Chinese Hot Salad Stir-fried vegetables with a little touch of chilli. To serve cold, add French dressing as the vegetables cool, toss well and serve. Serves 4 Ingredients & Measurements: – 1 tbsp dark soy… Continue Reading Healthy Hot Salad from Chinese Cuisine | World On Your Plate #shorts #snacks #saladrecipe

When it comes to Chinese food, eight regional cuisines make up the essence of almost all of its styles and flavors. These regional cuisines are different from province to province. Today we will go to 4 different households to experience 4 different gourmet cuisines – Cantonese, Hunan, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.… Continue Reading PREMIERE! The Top 8 Chinese Regional Cuisines Part 1 | EP23 Open China

店名:光栄軒 koh-ei-ken 場所: 📢取材した飲食店さんをマップ化しました!”もくめしマップ” (黙飯 MOKU MESH)は、日本の様々な飲食店の営業風景と食べにくるお客様の様子を撮影してます。 #もくめし#黙飯#TOKYO#Food#东京美食도쿄 음식 source

This video wants to teach you how to make delicious food for your parents and siblings. If you make a mistake, please do not hesitate, thank you very much source

韭菜炒雞蛋直接下鍋炒就錯了,教你一招,雞蛋鮮嫩入味,無腥味,【天天相見廚房】,韭菜炒雞蛋料理,韭菜炒雞蛋食譜,韭菜炒雞蛋做法,韭菜炒雞蛋的做法最好吃,韭菜炒雞蛋的功效禁忌,韭菜炒雞蛋好吃 喜歡我的視頻,記得訂閱、點贊、評論、分享,感謝您的支持 #天天相見廚房 See you every day in the kitchen , A recipe of 如果你喜歡我的視頻, 請點擊右側連結關注我的頻道 每天都會為你更新一道中國 美食 家常菜 的做法 90後單身青年,喜歡美食、品茶、旅遊。 家中一人一貓,小貓是從小撿回來的流浪貓,叫來寶。 每天分享各式家常美食,喜歡我的可以關注一下哦, 感謝大家支持! 有空給我一個Like ,記得按下小鈴鐺 我們有新上傳的影片 ,你們就會收到通知 【素食主义者🥒】 【鸡鸭鱼肉系列🍖】 【猪肉,五花肉系列🥩】 【饼类,可当早餐🥟】 【糕点、甜食类🎂】 【主食类🍝】 【自制零食系列🍟】 【海鲜类🦐】 【秘制羹汤类🥧】 【凉菜系列👻】 【自制酱类,超下饭】 ( 中英文雙字幕 ) Chinese and English double-caption 會為大家提供20種以上語言的字幕 英語、德語、法語、馬來語、 菲律賓語、印地語、烏爾都語等,… Continue Reading 韭菜炒雞蛋直接下鍋炒就錯了,教你一招,雞蛋鮮嫩入味,無腥味,【天天相見廚房】,#韭菜炒雞蛋料理,#韭菜炒雞蛋食譜,#韭菜炒雞蛋做法,#韭菜炒雞蛋的做法最好吃,#韭菜炒雞蛋的功效禁忌,#韭菜炒雞蛋好吃

Cantonese Beef Rice Oil 1/4 cup Onion chopped 1 cup Crushed garlic 1 tbsp Beef Mince 1/2 kg HP sauce 1 tbsp Hoisin sauce 1 tbsp Salt 1 tsp Yogurt 1/2 cup Soya sauce 1 tbsp Vinegar 1 tbsp Chilli flakes 1 tsp Black pepper 1 tsp ●Cook it until… Continue Reading Unique recipe of Rice | Cantonese Beef Rice with Home made sauce.

LIVE entertainment after dinner – watch as the executive chef/owner/wife sings Chinese opera at the famous private kitchen in Hong Kong – Sichuan Cuisine Da Ping Huo Restaurant. For photos of the food visit: source

This is the ultimate Chinese comfort noodles, add some meat and potatoes and this recipe will make anyone happy, full and comforted! This is different than the Korean Jjajangmyeo but in my opinion taste much better 🙂 Ingredients: Chinese Bean Paste: 1 Cucumber 3 Cloves Garlic 1 Scallion Noodles… Continue Reading EXTRA EASY MEATY Zha Jiang Mian “FRIED SAUCE NOODLE” Recipe (怎么做炸酱面)

@9:08 – “Set it aside for later” is referring to the braising liquid, you can throw away that duck fat A real treat of a recipe that has been in my family for generations, Longdu Braised Duck. This dish gets its name from the Longdu dialect in Zhongshan, China, where… Continue Reading Traditional Longdu Braised Duck (隆都卤鸭) | Braised Dishes