山东菜 把子肉的做法,看起来很好吃的样子,您可以做做试试看 鲁菜 Shandong cuisine 喜歡我們視頻的敬請訂閱分享和點讚 謝謝大家咯!!! source

#小猪猪特能吃#把子肉#赛螃蟹 大家好,我是小猪猪。今天学了个土味版的鲁菜,高级的实在是做不来~赛螃蟹变成了炒鸡蛋,不过把子肉和脆皮茄子很不错呀,哈哈~ 大家好,这里是“小猪猪特能吃”YouTube唯一官方频道 地道北京姑娘,爱吃爱笑爱分享,小猪猪带你们吃转中国! 每天会在YouTube平台,和大家分享好吃、美味的食物 大家的点赞和订阅都是对我来说很宝贵的,喜欢就关注我吧! source

#小怪美食侦探 #Chinesefood #牛肉面 #把子肉 👉江苏宿迁小祁拉面 哈喽 大家好!这里是【小怪美食侦探】的唯一官方YouTube频道。 💗喜欢我的视频别忘了订阅我的频道哦~💗 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY3XTgKCyw_cmwsDtSiTvMw?sub_confirmation=1 跟小怪一起踏上美味之旅,探寻特色美食 敲响小铃铛🔔,可以第一时间收到我的频道动态哦~ ============================ Hi guys! Plaese subscribe to my Channel on YouTube if you like my videos 👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY3XTgKCyw_cmwsDtSiTvMw?sub_confirmation=1 💖Thanks For Watching, Like, Comment & Share! Turn on the bell🔔 , and get my first hand feed here! ============================ 更多精彩影片: 牛肉汤… Continue Reading 【大肉面】一块肉比手大,藏在胡同里的苍蝇小馆,20年老店,下午4点就排队📍江苏宿迁 💖欢迎订阅我的频道!

It’s a classic dish from Shandong China. The origin of this dish also determined it’s well known Chinese name “把子肉” (ba zi rou)。It’s cooked when 3 close friends took their oath to be blood brothers at a peach farm. If you were familiar with Chinese novels or legends, you would… Continue Reading Braised pork belly in clay pot Chinese recipe cooking shandong China food 山东把子肉红烧五花肉