正宗#咸水角 来啦,大家喜欢吃豆沙角还是豆沙角 #民间传统美食 澄面就係小麥澱粉! 咸水角是广东、香港和澳门地区常见的传统名点。咸水角内里馅料有猪肉碎、韭菜、虾米、冬菇、沙葛。将滚水冲入澄面中搅匀,糯米粉置盘中,加入糖、猪油、冻水搓匀,再与澄面混合。分出多份粉团,每份放入馅料包好,放滚油内炸至浅金黄色便成,口感脆而不韧。 chatgpt写嘅文案: [Authentic Cantonese Cuisine] How to Make Ham Sui Gok and Dou Sha Gok [Easy Recipe] 说明:本期视频将教大家如何制作传统粤菜小吃——咸水角和豆沙角。咸水角外脆内软,咸香可口,里面有烤肉、蛋黄等美味的馅料;豆沙角香甜可口,Q弹有嚼劲,煮后口感更佳。这两种小吃是家庭聚餐、款待客人和休闲娱乐的不错选择。本视频中的教程简单易懂,适合初学者。欢迎大家收看和学习! #粵語教做菜 #粵語頻道 #芬姐美食 #廣東美食 #順德美食 #粵語煮餸 #粤菜家常菜 #廣東話 #芬姐厨房 #澳洲广东菜 #粤菜美食 #咸水角 #豆沙角 #简单易做 #传统粤菜 來自廣東佛山嘅阿芬姐,同你分享粵菜(廣東菜)食譜,同埋D做菜小技巧! How to make Cantonese food?Guangdong cuisine tips?Cantonese Chef teach you!a channel about… Continue Reading 手把手教你廣東傳統【咸水角】+【豆沙角】嘅做法!味道真係哇塞!!How to Make Ham Sui Gok and Dou Sha Gok [Easy Recipe]

春天靚湯推薦: 熟地30克 麦冬6克 新会陈皮一片 肉桂3克 淮山30克 春天需补 精力好 [Healthy & Delicious] How to Make Shu Di Huang and Huai Shan Soup 今期教大家一道有滋有味又能養生的湯飲——熟地淮山湯。除了能滋補肝腎和增強免疫力,還能治療腸胃問題!在本次教學中,我將會詳細介紹熟地淮山湯的傳統烹飪方法,並分享我的獨門煮法,讓湯鮮味美。歡迎大家收看並學習! #四物湯 #廣東靚湯 #補腎湯 #熟地湯 #中醫藥食療 #傳統粵菜 #熟地淮山湯 #滋補養生 #增強免疫力 #粵語教做菜 #粵語頻道 #芬姐美食 #廣東美食 #順德美食 #粵語煮餸 #粤菜家常菜 #廣東話 #芬姐厨房 #澳洲广东菜 In this episode, we will show you how to… Continue Reading 春天靚湯推薦【熟地淮山湯】男女都安飲啊!補腰噶 😁 Radix Rehmanniae Soup

有冇感覺尼個煮法,任何鱼都适合 🙂 白鯧魚嘅肉質鮮嫩,蒸起上十分鮮美!今次我哋都會加入一啲本地嘅調味,例如生抽,老抽等等,帶出香港地道嘅風味。同埋,套用燜魚嘅技巧,做出來呢道菜湯汁啖啖,好滋養! #白鯧魚食譜 #白鯧魚怎麽煮 #家庭料理 #粵語教做菜 #粵語頻道 #芬姐美食 #廣東美食 #順德美食 #粵語煮餸 #粤菜家常菜 #廣東話 #芬姐厨房 #芬姐家庭餸 #食得好 #家庭餸 來自廣東佛山嘅阿芬姐,同你分享家庭餸做法,粵菜(廣東菜)食譜,同埋D做菜小技巧! How to make Cantonese food?Guangdong cuisine tips?Cantonese Chef teach you!a channel about chinese food recipes! If you like my video, Please click the link on the right to follow my channel… Continue Reading 開胃餸【香炆白鯧魚】只要調好醬汁,做法超簡單而且好好味!braised white pomfret

來來來,一步步跟著芬姐來!我們一起來做馬蹄糕! 祝你馬到成功 步步糕升! #馬蹄糕做法 #馬蹄糕食譜 #馬蹄糕製法 #粵語教做菜 #粵語頻道 #芬姐美食 #廣東美食 #順德美食 #粵語煮餸 #粤菜家常菜 #廣東話 #芬姐厨房 #澳洲广东菜 來自廣東佛山嘅阿芬姐,同你分享粵菜(廣東菜)食譜,同埋D做菜小技巧! How to make Cantonese food?Guangdong cuisine tips?Cantonese Chef teach you!a channel about chinese food recipes! If you like my video, Please click the link on the right to follow my channel I will… Continue Reading 【馬蹄糕】馬到成功 步步糕升!馬蹄糕做法一步步詳細話你知!仲教你香煎馬蹄糕,至Q至清甜!

The Hungry Cao (“Cow”) has a mission to open minds to new flavors and start conversations about culture, diversity, and information exchange in our global world. Join chef Itha Cao for a conversation about culture, learn some stir fry basics and knife skills, and walk away with a delicious meal… Continue Reading Stir Fry Basics & The Racialization of Chinese Cuisine

What does your family eat during Lunar New Year🧧? Chef Lucas Sin, of Nice Day and Junzi Kitchen fame, is here to teach you how to make Chinese ingot-looking egg dumplings that symbolize fortune. They’re his family’s go-to dish during the festival! And they’re very easy to make. Recipe: https://gt4.life/Lucas-Sin-Egg-Dumplings… Continue Reading Lucas Sin’s Lunar New Year Egg Dumplings | A Basic Chinese Dish

Lucas Sin of Junzi Kitchen and Nice Day Chinese Takeout is in the Munchies Test Kitchen making his take on an iconic takeout dish: Chinese-American restaurant-style egg rolls. Lucas pays homage to the mighty egg roll with this step-by-step recipe that includes store-bought egg roll skins and DIY duck sauce… Continue Reading Make Takeout-Style Egg Rolls

下面是葱油的应用: There are some of the applications of scallion oil: 第一,葱油可以运用到拌面,拌凉菜,或者葱油鸡 1. Scallion oil can be used for noodles, cold dishes, salads, scallion chicken 第二,葱油在行业中还有一个名字叫做“明油”,菜品在起锅前加入适量的“明油”可以增加菜品的亮度和香味 2. There is another name for scallion oil in Chinese restaurant industry called “Brighten Oil”. Adding an appropriate amount of “Brighten Oil” at final stage… Continue Reading Chef Wang teaches you: “Scallion Oil”, a Chinese cuisine must! 葱油明油【Cooking ASMR】

下面开始松鼠鱼的技术总结 There is the technical summary of the Squirrel Fish: 第一,鱼的种类不受限制,可以选择淡水鱼和海鱼 1. You can use a variety of fish to make this dish, fresh water fish or ocean fish will both work 第二,改花刀的时候最好能贴着鱼皮走,这样处理的鱼肉散花更好看 2. The depth of the cut should be as close to the skin as possible in order… Continue Reading Chef Wang teaches you: Chinese authentic “Squirrel Fish”, amazing knife skills! 松鼠鱼【Cooking ASMR】