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[Healthy & Delicious] How to Make Shu Di Huang and Huai Shan Soup
#四物湯 #廣東靚湯 #補腎湯 #熟地湯 #中醫藥食療 #傳統粵菜 #熟地淮山湯 #滋補養生 #增強免疫力

#粵語教做菜 #粵語頻道 #芬姐美食 #廣東美食 #順德美食 #粵語煮餸 #粤菜家常菜 #廣東話 #芬姐厨房 #澳洲广东菜

In this episode, we will show you how to make Shu Di Huang and Huai Shan Soup, a nourishing and delicious soup with traditional Chinese medicine health benefits such as strengthening the liver and kidneys and boosting the immune system. We will provide a detailed explanation of the traditional cooking methods, as well as some of my own personal tips and techniques to enhance the flavor. Join us and learn how to make this authentic and healthy Cantonese dish!
#TraditionalChineseMedicine #ShuDiHuangandHuaiShanSoup #NourishingandDelicious #ImmuneSystemBoost

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