Eight Regional Cuisines in China/these teaching videos are from 30 years ago, they are very classic and cold be used for Chinese cooking learning The back of the duck is 7 cm long, and the internal organs, anus, cooking wine, glutinous rice juice, pepper, salt, and pepper are mixed well.… Continue Reading 中国美食, 中国美食, Sichuan cuisine; Chinese cooking, Zhangcha duck; 川菜 樟茶鸭子

Eight Regional Cuisines in China/these teaching videos are from 30 years ago, they are very classic and cold be used for Chinese cooking learning Fresh cuttlefish. Cut off with a knife from the back. Remove the fish bones. Remove internal organs. Remove a layer of black film from the outer… Continue Reading 中国美食, 中国美食, Sichuan cuisine;Chinese cooking, Fish flavored cattlefish; 川菜 鱼香墨鱼花

大家好,我是超子,应粉丝的要求今天做一道经典老蔡爆三样,需要准备的食材:猪肝尖,腰子,里脊肉,食盐,胡椒粉,蛋液,干淀粉,植物油,料酒,大蒜,葱花,生抽,香醋,老抽,白糖,鸡精。 传统鲁菜『爆三样』家常做法,大厨教你技巧,鲜嫩不腥,比饭店做的香【超子美食】 #鲁菜#爆三样#年夜饭 订阅我~👉https://chaozimeishi.page.link/u9DC 大家好这里是超子美食, 我是超子,超子专注于美食制作,不管是乡村菜品还是色香味俱全的硬菜,超子这边都会有所涉及。 专注家庭美食制作,一天一道家常菜,用美食记录生活。 如果喜欢的话~拜托点赞评论订阅~您的喜欢是我最大的荣幸~ 谢谢~! source

湘菜经典“毛氏红烧肉”还是湘菜师傅拿手,成品色泽诱人肥而不腻 大家好,这里是“湘菜阿来” 在下一枚厨师长,每天给大家分享美食,分享做饭技巧 让我们在美食的道路上越走越高~ 喜欢我带来的美食视频,记得点点订阅😁https://bit.ly/3l2UNZq 阿来教你做肉食:https://bit.ly/3lgwyac 阿来教你做素食:https://bit.ly/37a0Wuy 湖南经典湘菜:https://bit.ly/3yjuu4U #湘菜阿来#美食教程#大厨做饭#毛氏红烧肉 source