鹅肉家里最常见的吃法就是挂成板鹅了,自己家养的鹅肥瘦适中,做出来的板鹅油脂金黄肉质鲜红,只需要加上盐巴腌制,剩下的就交给时间了,自然风干后,不管怎么吃都觉得是人间美味! ※Click “cc” on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. We usually make salted goose at home. The goose we raise have a moderate lean to fat portion. As a result, the salted goose has golden yellow grease and shiny red meat. Let time does its magic… Continue Reading 板鹅,一道用时间做出来的美味【滇西小哥】

Eight Regional Cuisines in China/these teaching videos are from 30 years ago, they are very classic and cold be used for Chinese cooking learning Cordyceps clean the sediment with water, spare Wash the old duck, cut into pieces, pour in the right amount of rice wine, mix well, taste Put… Continue Reading 中国美食, 中国美食, Sichuan cuisine;Chinese cooking, Cordyceps duck;川菜 虫草鸭子

Eight Regional Cuisines in China/these teaching videos are from 30 years ago, they are very classic and cold be used for Chinese cooking learning The sea cucumber is turned into a smear blade and released in the water for use. In the spoon, increase the onion, soy sauce, broth and… Continue Reading 中国美食, 中国美食, Sichuan cuisine; Chinese cooking, Bell sea cucumber; 川菜 响铃海参

Eight Regional Cuisines in China/these teaching videos are from 30 years ago, they are very classic and cold be used for Chinese cooking learning 200 grams of rabbit meat, 150 grams of pork fat and meat, respectively, into the bowl, into the bowl, with 50 ml of water, scatter, add… Continue Reading 中国美食, 中国美食, Sichuan cuisine;Chinese cooking, Fish flavored crispy rabbit cake; 川菜 鱼香酥皮兔糕

小胖在湖南长沙去寻找粉丝们推荐的一家湘菜馆,据说这家老板以前是幼教老师,下岗后为了生存开了一家很小的湖南菜,一做就是29年,如今成了全国有名的网红餐厅。小胖点了两个招牌菜,美味鲈鱼和铁板鹅肉,一共花了106块钱,你们看值不值? 长沙30年的湘菜老馆,藏着两道有专利的菜,外地游客拿导航找来吃! 走遍大街和小巷,带你一起吃喝玩乐逛~ 大家好,我是美食小胖! 中国各地美食探店纪录片,看这儿就够了 希望大家可以多多点赞、评论、转发,带你们浪遍中国各地。 👉https://meishixiaopang.page.link/dingyue,非常感谢支持 ! ! ! #美食小胖带你浪#湘菜馆#长沙美食 source

Eight Regional Cuisines in China/these teaching videos are from 30 years ago, they are very classic and cold be used for Chinese cooking learning 1. Bake the bamboo stalks with warm water for 10 minutes, wash the stalks, cut into 2 cm long sections, and then cut each section into… Continue Reading 中国美食, 中国美食, Sichuan cuisine; Chinese cooking, Bamboo cream soup; 川菜 竹荪肝膏汤

Eight Regional Cuisines in China/these teaching videos are from 30 years ago, they are very classic and cold be used for Chinese cooking learning Cut the parsley into pieces. Fresh fish go to scales, sputum, internal organs, wash, and the fish body is slashed on both sides. Cut the onion.… Continue Reading 中国美食, 中国美食, Sichuan cuisine; Chinese cooking, Deep fried fresh fish; 川菜 干烧鲜鱼

Eight Regional Cuisines in China/these teaching videos are from 30 years ago, they are very classic and cold be used for Chinese cooking learning 1. Tofu diced, chives, ginger, garlic, dried chilies are minced. 2, put the oil in the pot to heat, first sauté the scallions, ginger, garlic, dried… Continue Reading 中国美食, 中国美食, Sichuan cuisine;Chinese cooking, Mapo tofu;川菜 麻婆豆腐

Eight Regional Cuisines in China/these teaching videos are from 30 years ago, they are very classic and cold be used for Chinese cooking learning Wash the ommasa and beef offal, and cut into large pieces; put the beef in the boiling water pot added to the white wine, and pick… Continue Reading 中国美食, 中国美食, Sichuan cuisine; Chinese cooking, Beef in chili sauce; 川菜 夫妻肺片

Eight Regional Cuisines in China/these teaching videos are from 30 years ago, they are very classic and cold be used for Chinese cooking learning source