鹅肉家里最常见的吃法就是挂成板鹅了,自己家养的鹅肥瘦适中,做出来的板鹅油脂金黄肉质鲜红,只需要加上盐巴腌制,剩下的就交给时间了,自然风干后,不管怎么吃都觉得是人间美味! ※Click “cc” on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. We usually make salted goose at home. The goose we raise have a moderate lean to fat portion. As a result, the salted goose has golden yellow grease and shiny red meat. Let time does its magic… Continue Reading 板鹅,一道用时间做出来的美味【滇西小哥】

以前村里每年杀年猪,可是要吃一年的,所以祖辈们都会想方设法的把肉储存起来够吃一年,猪小肠和大肠也会用来做成腊肠,肉肯定是不够只装肉肠的,就得加上豆腐,蚕豆和芋头这些食材来做,久而久之也成了我们当地的传统特色美食。今年家里做的腊肠,也够吃好一阵子了! ※Click “cc” on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. In the past, the pigs slaughtered during the Spring Festival were supposed to last the villagers for a whole year. So the older generations would try to store enough pork for a whole year. They’d use pig’s… Continue Reading 腌制了四种独特口味的腊肠,这些肉能吃一整年!【滇西小哥】

每个人成长过程中总会有一段难忘的经历,就是回乡下外婆(姥姥)家,每次回去都能吃到最新鲜的瓜果蔬菜和养了一年的土鸡土鸭土鸡蛋,还有特意留下来的精品火腿肉。张俊是我的外甥,他假期回来的这一个月,从早吃到晚,想吃什么给他做什么,也长了一圈,走的时候后备箱也塞得满满的,看到他,仿佛回到了小时候回外婆家的自己,愿我们的快乐都能像小时候那么简单纯粹。 ※Click “cc” on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. In everyone’s growth process, there is always an unforgettable experience. Each time you return to your maternal grandmother’s home in the countryside, you can have the freshest fruits and vegetables, free range chickens and ducks, native eggs,… Continue Reading 玉米粑粑——让家人们回到童年的熟悉美味【滇西小哥】

我们家对辣椒的挚爱仅次于盐巴,家里的那几亩地,总会留出来种些辣椒,以前是图卖个好价钱,现在多半就是种了够一家人吃,红辣椒晒干,野山椒用酱油泡好,小辣椒炒成酱储存,虽不能够我折腾一年,但总能实现前半年的辣椒自由。 红彤彤的辣椒,我们时常都说代表着红红火火,家里挂点辣椒,餐桌上加些辣椒,总会有种无可替代的家乡味,好像那一抹红也总能让人燃起内心对于料理的热情和渴望。 ※Click “cc” on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. My family’s favorite food is chilies, apart from salt. We always grow chilies in the few acres of land at home. In the past, we used to sell them for some money, but now we eat… Continue Reading 「四季调料」辣椒——云南人餐桌上必不可少的火热幸福【滇西小哥】

云南有很多地方都种木薯,都是几毛钱一斤的价格卖出去,爷爷说种了木薯的地种其他植物长不好,挖起来还费心费力的,村里的人大多数都不知道,原来街上的那些精致的甜品奶茶都是用我们口中的“廉价木薯”淀粉来做的……所以这次也想做些让他们尝尝,一杯奶茶,一碗红糖芋圆,一块钵仔糕,算是村里人种木薯这么多年,吃得最新奇和满足的一次了。 ※Click “cc” on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. Many places of Yunnan grow cassava. It is often sold at a price of several jiao per jin. My grandpa says that in the place where cassava can be successfully grown, other crops do not grow well.… Continue Reading 「寻根食记」用木薯做了珍珠奶茶和芋圆,将甜蜜分送给村里的大家【滇西小哥】

祖辈们凭借着云南得天独厚的自然环境和气候,做出了各种各样的腌腊菜,火腿算是最具代表的,也是云南菜的灵魂所在,火腿铜锅焖饭,火腿木瓜鸡,火腿炒各种蔬菜,味道都极其鲜美~ ※Click “cc” on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. Our ancestors managed to make all kinds of preserved food based on the unique natural environment and weather of Yunnan, of which ham is a typical example. It is also the soul of Yunnan cuisine. Smothered rice… Continue Reading 火腿,云南菜的灵魂【滇西小哥】

每年初一到十五,我们都会选一天出来到寺庙吃斋饭,今年去不了了,就在家里自己做几道素菜吧!需要用蒿子水洗去油荤,才能正儿八经的做斋菜!三道斋菜,你们觉得哪道最像? ※Click “cc” on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. Every year between the first day of the lunar new year to the fifteenth day, we would pick one day and visit the temple to enjoy some vegetarian dishes. Although we could not make it this year,… Continue Reading 每年都会去寺庙祈福吃的斋饭,今年在家吃【滇西小哥】