我们家对辣椒的挚爱仅次于盐巴,家里的那几亩地,总会留出来种些辣椒,以前是图卖个好价钱,现在多半就是种了够一家人吃,红辣椒晒干,野山椒用酱油泡好,小辣椒炒成酱储存,虽不能够我折腾一年,但总能实现前半年的辣椒自由。 红彤彤的辣椒,我们时常都说代表着红红火火,家里挂点辣椒,餐桌上加些辣椒,总会有种无可替代的家乡味,好像那一抹红也总能让人燃起内心对于料理的热情和渴望。 ※Click “cc” on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. My family’s favorite food is chilies, apart from salt. We always grow chilies in the few acres of land at home. In the past, we used to sell them for some money, but now we eat… Continue Reading 「四季调料」辣椒——云南人餐桌上必不可少的火热幸福【滇西小哥】