以前村里每年杀年猪,可是要吃一年的,所以祖辈们都会想方设法的把肉储存起来够吃一年,猪小肠和大肠也会用来做成腊肠,肉肯定是不够只装肉肠的,就得加上豆腐,蚕豆和芋头这些食材来做,久而久之也成了我们当地的传统特色美食。今年家里做的腊肠,也够吃好一阵子了! ※Click “cc” on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. In the past, the pigs slaughtered during the Spring Festival were supposed to last the villagers for a whole year. So the older generations would try to store enough pork for a whole year. They’d use pig’s… Continue Reading 腌制了四种独特口味的腊肠,这些肉能吃一整年!【滇西小哥】

Follow-up Part 2 to my top spots in San Francisco Chinatown video https://youtu.be/No9oYXJCsCY I’m visiting a multigenerational family-owned cured meat shop to buy one of my favorite cooking ingredients, Lap Cheong (Chinese Sausage). I’ll also show you the go-to place for the most tender roast pork & gravy rice plate,… Continue Reading SAN FRANCISCO CHINATOWN MUST EAT FOOD SPOTS | SF Native Recommendations: Part 2