Resep masak akar teratai saus tiram ( OYSTER SAUCE) Chinese food Halo sahabat @Rizqialengloy Kali ini saya mau berbagi resep masaka Hongkong. Resep masakan Hongkong sehari hari.semoga bermanfaat untuk temen” yang kerja di Hongkong. Khususnya TKW Hongkong. Tonton juga masakan Hongkong lainnya 👇👇👇 Resep tumis kangkung Olahan ikan Olahan pork… Continue Reading Resep masak akar teratai saus tiram (OYSTER SAUCE) || Chinese food @Rizqialengloy

祖辈们凭借着云南得天独厚的自然环境和气候,做出了各种各样的腌腊菜,火腿算是最具代表的,也是云南菜的灵魂所在,火腿铜锅焖饭,火腿木瓜鸡,火腿炒各种蔬菜,味道都极其鲜美~ ※Click “cc” on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. Our ancestors managed to make all kinds of preserved food based on the unique natural environment and weather of Yunnan, of which ham is a typical example. It is also the soul of Yunnan cuisine. Smothered rice… Continue Reading 火腿,云南菜的灵魂【滇西小哥】

Songsong and Ermao | Mukbang | funny mukbang | Food Challenge | 푸드 챌린지 | Chinese cuisine. These Chinese dishes are: Spicy Braised Pot Grey Pork Liver, Spicy Stinky Tofu, Braised Peking Duck, Spicy Cactus, Spicy Big Turkey and White Cut Chicken, Spicy Big Turtle. Video Chapters: 0:00 Braised Pot… Continue Reading Songsong and Ermao | Mukbang | funny mukbang | Food Challenge | 푸드 챌린지 | Chinese cuisine