TikTok Video|Eating Spicy Food and Funny Pranks| Funny Mukbang | Big And Fast Eaters Hello everyone, we are the Big and Fast Eaters I don’t eat chopped pepper for a day, I feel uncomfortable. Welcome to subscribe👉https://bit.ly/3CJUyZq Share hometown food every day And comedy about eating #tiktokvideo#spicyfoods#FunnyMukbang#BigandFastEaters#Songsong source

大家好,我是九九,买了一条东北的松鱼,今天我就用湖南的做法来炒,辣椒爆炒,香辣又入味,能吃好几碗饭~ 分享湖南溆浦农村生活,做原创乡村美食! 大家好,这里是湘西九九美食~ 我每天会在这里和大家分享湖南农村特色的美食 谢谢大家的观看和订阅,大家有什么意见或者建议,可以和我积极互动哟! 👉【https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6qzmekIfTOhlb9siH5UNiw?sub_confirmation=1】 #湘西九九美食#辣椒炒松鱼#爆炒松鱼 source

哈喽大家好,我是九九,今天我准备炒一块湖南的腊肉,让阿姨和妞妞都尝一下湖南的味道,做个辣椒炒腊肉,再搭配个剁椒鱼头,辣的阿姨都流泪了,但是吃的很过瘾~ 九九请阿姨吃饭,做湖南菜“辣椒炒腊肉”,辣得阿姨直流眼泪! 分享湖南溆浦农村生活,做原创乡村美食! 大家好,这里是湘西九九美食~ 我每天会在这里和大家分享湖南农村特色的美食 谢谢大家的观看和订阅,大家有什么意见或者建议,可以和我积极互动哟! 👉【https://xiangxijiujiumeishi.page.link/naxz】 #辣椒炒腊肉#剁椒鱼头#湘西九九美食 source

food for fatsongsong and thinermao | chinese food | food challenge | country food | tasty food,The foods included in the video include: soaked lotus root belt, fried lotus root belt with bacon, garlic-flavored river mussels, fried pork with bamboo shoots, fried sixtie, roasted sixtie, shrimp slices, fried meat with… Continue Reading food for fatsongsong and thinermao | chinese food | food challenge | country food | tasty food

腌笃鲜是起源于江南地区的一道传统名菜,属于苏菜;此菜口味咸鲜,汤白汁浓,肉质酥肥,笋清香脆嫩,鲜味浓厚,各地根据地方文化和口味做法有不同的差别,食材上各有增减,但基本包含春笋、猪肉(包含各种部位)、腊肉、火腿、百叶结、莴笋等食材。Yanduxian is a traditional famous dish originated in Jiangnan region, which belongs to Jiangsu cuisine. The taste of this dish is salty and fresh, the soup is white and thick, the meat is crisp and fat, the bamboo shoots are crisp and tender, and the freshness is strong. There are… Continue Reading 腌笃鲜/Fresh pickled Benedict

#唐哥美食#土鸡腊肉#安徽土菜 大家好,我是唐哥。今天在上海嘉定区吃安徽六安土菜,必点黄山臭鳜鱼,风干羊肉,土鸡腊肉黄鳝,和美女连炸几杯,真过瘾! 探店地址:曹安公路2300弄1号润徽食府土菜馆 热爱旅游,分享美食,我是唐哥美食,小吃货和驴友这里集合啦 每天都会更新最具地方特色的美食小吃,每天都有视觉盛宴,食肉小伙伴们,想要过过嘴瘾却找不到地方的小伙伴们,我在这里等着你喔 喜欢我分享的美食,就赶紧点击👇👇👇链接关注,美食正在向你招手。 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPgSkshL6Rx_De_qEcenEJg?sub_confirmation=1 source

chinese cuisine: Feifei’s Chinese food is AMAZING! The Chinese cuisines included in the video are:Grab lamb chops,Dry Pot Shrimp,Dry pot row. Video Chapters: 0:00 Grab lamb chops 2:16 Dry Pot Shrimp 3:54 Dry pot row Hello everyone, this is Feifei Food Life Channel, I like country food. We are willing… Continue Reading chinese cuisine: Feifei's Chinese food is AMAZING!

Chinese food | food challenge | Chinese culture | chili | chinese new year 2022, Spicy roast beef bone, fried bacon with bitter gourd, marinated seafood, goose egg, loach drilled tofu, Peking duck, spicy stinky tofu, fried meat with plantain core, nutritious meals. Video Chapters: 0:00 Spicy roast beef bone… Continue Reading Chinese food | food challenge | Chinese culture | chili | chinese new year 2022

TikTok Video|Eating Spicy Food and Funny Pranks| Funny Mukbang | Big And Fast Eaters Hello everyone, we are the Big and Fast Eaters I don’t eat chopped pepper for a day, I feel uncomfortable. Welcome to subscribe👉https://bit.ly/3CJUyZq Share hometown food every day And comedy about eating #tiktokvideo#spicyfoods#FunnyMukbang#BigandFastEaters#Songsong source