实拍山东农村大集,整个地方非常大,各种美食应有尽有,全部都是农村的大爷大妈纯手工制作的美食,非常接地气。今天来烧茶水的大爷这里加工菜,拉着百年风箱柴火做饭,钱随便给 🔴羊汤:https://youtu.be/C_lWlwvrUKE 🟠豌豆凉粉:https://youtu.be/YSpd52ILxI8 🟡咸金枪鱼:https://youtu.be/YPJgWYwWLWc 大家好,我是麦总,生活中一大爱好是尝遍美食 立志走遍大江南北挖掘市井中的美味 带给大家不一样的美食文化 喜欢我就点击订阅吧:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX-M8j9vQ-oUGO9Mckd601A?sub_confirmation=1 #山东大集#探店#麦总去哪吃 source

地址:安徽合肥史可路万贵牛杂。大家好,我是唐哥,我在安徽合肥寻美食。合肥19年牛杂店6样烧,日卖600斤,88元一锅超辣好吃,小喝一杯太过瘾! 合肥二十年牛杂汤,精选6样牛杂88元一份,量大实惠干趴全同行!【唐哥美食】 牛杂合集:👉https://youtu.be/1n0uxLlN3-c 👉https://youtu.be/1-CiOsTHmS4 👉https://youtu.be/VielG5r_YD4 👉https://youtu.be/504wQn67H_4 热爱旅游,分享美食,我是唐哥美食,小吃货和驴友这里集合啦 每天都会更新最具地方特色的美食小吃,每天都有视觉盛宴,食肉小伙伴们,想要过过嘴瘾却找不到地方的小伙伴们,我在这里等着你喔 喜欢我分享的美食,就赶紧点击👇👇👇链接关注,美食正在向你招手。 https://tanggemeishi.page.link/eNh4 #唐哥美食#牛杂汤#安徽特色#牛杂 source

| Big and Fast Eaters Hello everyone, we are the Big and Fast Eaters I don’t eat chopped pepper for a day, I feel uncomfortable. Welcome to subscribe Share hometown food every day And comedy about eating Let’s eat quietly | TikTok Video|Eating Spicy Food and Funny Pranks|Funny Mukbang #TikTokVideos#spicyfoods#FunnyMukbang#BigandFastEaters… Continue Reading Let's eat quietly | TikTok Video|Eating Spicy Food and Funny Pranks|Funny Mukbang #shorts

| Big and Fast Eaters Hello everyone, we are the Big and Fast Eaters I don’t eat chopped pepper for a day, I feel uncomfortable. Welcome to subscribe👉https://bit.ly/3CJUyZq Share hometown food every day And comedy about eating Let’s eat quietly | TikTok Video|Eating Spicy Food and Funny Pranks|Funny Mukbang #TikTokVideos#spicyfoods#FunnyMukbang#BigandFastEaters… Continue Reading Let's eat quietly | TikTok Video|Eating Spicy Food and Funny Pranks|Funny Mukbang

关注品城记FB账号→https://pcjfb.page.link/bjYi 想不到啊想不到,這家其貌不揚的街邊大排檔,裡面居然藏龍臥虎! 廣州的很多小店都是這麼深藏blue,千萬不要被它們平凡的外表欺騙了! 現在廣州的天氣逐漸變熱,又是時候找一些宵夜大排檔,整幾碟鑊氣小炒,叫幾支急凍啤酒,享受一下了!今天,大秋就要去一家位於西華路的街邊大排檔探店!眾所周知,西華路是廣州的美食一條街,從街頭到街尾,藏著數不盡的寶藏小店!而今天這一家店,是我們近年來挖掘到的、最符合“寶藏小店”定義的餐廳!從外觀上看,這家店其貌不揚,屬於走過路過絕不會多看兩眼的類型;然而,坐下來試過兩口這裡的出品之後,你就會覺得內有乾坤!更加令我們想不到的是,這樣一家街邊小店,它的老闆、主理人,居然是深藏不露的大人物! 店名:天寶食坊 人均消費:74元 聯繫電話:020-81073077 地址:西華路323號 網友評分:口味:4.26 環境:3.54 服務:3.74 店名:天寶食坊 人均消費:74元 聯繫電話:020-81073077 地址:西華路323號 網友評分:口味:4.26 環境:3.54 服務:3.74 1、薑汁芥蘭 25元 2、炒麵 25元 3、啫鱔 68元 4、桑拿生蠔一打 136元 5、番茄滑蛋炒牛肉 43元 6、醬爆牛心頂 48元 合計消費:320元(優惠了25元) 吃遍广东 https://pcjgd.page.link/u9DC 跟着嘉升吃美食 https://pcjjs.page.link/rniX 跟着大秋吃美食 https://pcjdq.page.link/V9Hh 吃遍佛山 https://pcjfs.page.link/RtQw 粥粉面饭来一波 https://pcjzfmf.page.link/qL6j 吃遍珠海 https://pcjzh.page.link/29hQ 品一座城 https://pcjzg.page.link/V9Hh 吃鸡! https://pcjcj.page.link/Tbeh 跟着品城记玩啊 https://pcjw.page.link/V9Hh 品一座城,不僅僅是美食,更是人文!… Continue Reading 想不到啊想不到,這家其貌不揚的街邊大排檔,裡面居然藏龍臥虎! 【品城記】

醬爆豬肝 豬肝試試這樣做好吃滑嫩又不腥 #中國美食#學做菜#川菜 source

大家好,我是唐哥,我在安徽蚌埠寻美食。蚌埠30年土菜馆,8个菜240元,许多外地人专程来吃“炒腰骚”!独创重口一道菜 蚌埠大叔开土菜馆30年,独创重口一道菜,许多外地食客慕名而来【唐哥美食】 热爱旅游,分享美食,我是唐哥美食,小吃货和驴友这里集合啦 每天都会更新最具地方特色的美食小吃,每天都有视觉盛宴,食肉小伙伴们,想要过过嘴瘾却找不到地方的小伙伴们,我在这里等着你喔 喜欢我分享的美食,就赶紧点击👇👇👇链接关注,美食正在向你招手。 https://tanggemeishi.page.link/eNh4 #唐哥美食#蚌埠美食#安徽特色#安徽土菜馆 source

| Big and Fast Eaters Hello everyone, we are the Big and Fast Eaters I don’t eat chopped pepper for a day, I feel uncomfortable. Welcome to subscribe Share hometown food every day And comedy about eating Chose the thousand layer belly! | TikTok Video|Eating Spicy Food and Funny Pranks|Funny… Continue Reading Chose the thousand layer belly! | TikTok Video|Eating Spicy Food and Funny Pranks|Mukbang #shorts

| Big and Fast Eaters Hello everyone, we are the Big and Fast Eaters I don’t eat chopped pepper for a day, I feel uncomfortable. Welcome to subscribe👉https://bit.ly/3CJUyZq Share hometown food every day And comedy about eating Wash dishes without eating | TikTok Video|Eating Spicy Food and Funny Pranks|Funny Mukbang… Continue Reading Wash dishes without eating | TikTok Video|Eating Spicy Food and Funny Pranks|Funny Mukbang

| Big and Fast Eaters Hello everyone, we are the Big and Fast Eaters I don’t eat chopped pepper for a day, I feel uncomfortable. Welcome to subscribe👉https://bit.ly/3CJUyZq Share hometown food every day And comedy about eating Finally there are easter eggs | TikTok Video|Eating Spicy Food and Funny Pranks|Funny… Continue Reading Finally there are easter eggs | TikTok Video|Eating Spicy Food and Funny Pranks|Funny Mukbang