腌笃鲜是起源于江南地区的一道传统名菜,属于苏菜;此菜口味咸鲜,汤白汁浓,肉质酥肥,笋清香脆嫩,鲜味浓厚,各地根据地方文化和口味做法有不同的差别,食材上各有增减,但基本包含春笋、猪肉(包含各种部位)、腊肉、火腿、百叶结、莴笋等食材。Yanduxian is a traditional famous dish originated in Jiangnan region, which belongs to Jiangsu cuisine. The taste of this dish is salty and fresh, the soup is white and thick, the meat is crisp and fat, the bamboo shoots are crisp and tender, and the freshness is strong. There are… Continue Reading 腌笃鲜/Fresh pickled Benedict