Eating spicy food is a science In the hands of Sichuan people, chili peppers may be eaten in ten thousand ways Pickled chili, dried chili, chili powder, red oil, bean paste and various chili sauces Dip in water, roast pepper preserved eggs, twice-cooked pork… any two meals are a feast… Continue Reading Chinese cuisine ! Eating spicy food is a science.|ChenChen

Shiitake mushrooms a few years ago customized, year round basically no management Although the harvest is not much, it is enough to use in the canteen. then we plant some mushrooms and a few wild mushrooms on the ground. item. Finally, how this video feels long time okay. No updates,… Continue Reading Chinese cuisine ! Delicious dishes from shiitake mushrooms |ChenChen

River Snails Rice Noodle (Chinese: Luosifen) is a Chinese noodle soup and specialty of Liuzhou, Guangxi. The dish consists of rice noodles boiled and served in a soup. The stock that forms the soup is made by stewing river snails and pork bones for several hours with black cardamom, fennel… Continue Reading River Snails Rice Noodle | Famous Chinese Street Food in Hangzhou, Zhejiang.

在吃这件事上,“臭味”相投,便称知己。 味有七种–酸、甜、苦、辣、咸、鲜、香。 鲜味之中,有一味,就是臭。 如果说“香”是对美食的一般赞美,那么“臭”也许是对美食的最高褒奖。 中国人对臭十分有研究。在中国,不少美食以臭著名,早已“臭名”远扬–湖南臭豆腐、柳州螺蛳粉、北京豆汁儿、贵州折耳根、武汉臭面筋,江浙地区的臭苋菜梗、霉千张、臭腌蛋、臭百叶、臭冬瓜……纵观中国,从蔬菜、豆制品到肉类,只要是能吃的,没有不能臭的。 In the matter of eating, the “smell” is the same, and it is called a confidant. There are seven flavors – sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, fresh and fragrant. Among the umami tastes, there is one taste, that is, smell. If “fragrant” is a general… Continue Reading 人类美食的至高境界—臭味食物,真香警告⚠️|The supreme state of human cuisine, smelly food

【超小厨】带姐夫和老妈重游西湖!重辣毛血旺毛肚管够,麻麻辣辣太过瘾了! 开启小铃铛🔔通知,第一时间观看新视频哦~谢谢! 原创美食分享,正儿八经的吃饭。 【超小厨】会做饭,喜欢吃饭,一个专注吃的人。 最喜欢折耳根,米饭小能手,肉更不能少,但是只有猪肉才是肉! 四川人就是无辣不欢!安逸! 🍟🥩🍗🍻🍅🍰🌯🍇 小厨精心推荐👇 ☢《超小厨怀旧😉系列》 ☢《夏日清凉🏝饮食系列》 ☢《重口味😱系列》 ☢《今晚吃🐔系列》 ☢《一入火锅💥深似海》 感谢关注,从今天起,你就是我的人了!【】 加入我的会员【】 #超小厨 #ChefChao#西湖#毛血旺#姐夫 老妈和姐夫重游西湖!满满的回忆! source