在吃这件事上,“臭味”相投,便称知己。 味有七种–酸、甜、苦、辣、咸、鲜、香。 鲜味之中,有一味,就是臭。 如果说“香”是对美食的一般赞美,那么“臭”也许是对美食的最高褒奖。 中国人对臭十分有研究。在中国,不少美食以臭著名,早已“臭名”远扬–湖南臭豆腐、柳州螺蛳粉、北京豆汁儿、贵州折耳根、武汉臭面筋,江浙地区的臭苋菜梗、霉千张、臭腌蛋、臭百叶、臭冬瓜……纵观中国,从蔬菜、豆制品到肉类,只要是能吃的,没有不能臭的。 In the matter of eating, the “smell” is the same, and it is called a confidant. There are seven flavors – sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, fresh and fragrant. Among the umami tastes, there is one taste, that is, smell. If “fragrant” is a general… Continue Reading 人类美食的至高境界—臭味食物,真香警告⚠️|The supreme state of human cuisine, smelly food