Subscribe to my channel ▶ ————————————————– —————————————- Uncle Rural Gourmet’s secret recipe of pepper rabbit, so yummy and tasty! Hi, I’m Uncle Rural Gourmet from Northwest China, I enjoy cooking and eating in original ways! Turn on the little bell 🔔 for notification and be the first one to watch… Continue Reading WHOLE RABBIT Cooked with Pepper, so Delicious and Tasty | Uncle Rural Gourmet

一位山东的朋友特别想吃老家的“爆炒腰花”为了满足他的小小要求,今天在我家中小厨房为他试一试 食材:猪腰,山药,木耳,葱,姜,蒜,红辣椒,白胡椒粉,料酒,生抽,干淀粉,食用油,盐,白糖,味精/鸡精,陈醋,老抽 经典鲁菜“爆炒腰花”用家常小灶也能完美复原、很接地气靠谱!【美食强】 #美食强#爆炒腰花#经典鲁菜 我是美食强,一个爱生活,爱老婆,爱孩子的朴实的安徽汉子~ 用美食记录生活,用营养和健康记录孩子的成长 每天分享一道家常菜,让生活多些爱和美味。 厨爸做菜宝宝来吃,硬核家常菜,让美食带上爱的味道!欢迎订阅与转发! 👉 source

Subscribe to my channel ▶ ————————————————– —————————————- Uncle Rural Gourmet’s secret recipe of Braised Eel! It looks like a bridge, so yummy and tasty! Hi, I’m Uncle Rural Gourmet from Northwest China, I enjoy cooking and eating in original ways! Turn on the little bell 🔔 for notification and be… Continue Reading 2.5KG EEL Braised with FATTY Pork Belly! TASTY FOOD From Village | Uncle Rural Gourmet

经典的江浙家常菜做法,鲜香味美,做法讲究 爱吃鲫鱼这道“葱㸆鲫鱼”不能错过、经典的江浙家常菜、做法讲究【美食强】 #美食强#鲫鱼#江浙菜 我是美食强,一个爱生活,爱老婆,爱孩子的朴实的安徽汉子~ 用美食记录生活,用营养和健康记录孩子的成长 每天分享一道家常菜,让生活多些爱和美味。 厨爸做菜宝宝来吃,硬核家常菜,让美食带上爱的味道!欢迎订阅与转发! 👉 source

红烧鸡块的做法食材:鸡肉1000克、白糖80克、大葱30克、生姜25克、小葱10克、白醋1克、料酒10克、酱油10克、食盐10克。 红烧鸡块的做法步骤: 1、鸡肉添加,一些清水,清洗干净,倒掉血水。 2、加入酱油,料酒、全部的食盐。 3、使用筷子,搅拌均匀,腌制10分钟。 4、大葱切成段、生姜切成片、小葱切成段。 5、放上油锅,倒入食用油,6层油温,放入鸡块! 6、慢慢炸制鸡块棕红色,捞出控油备用! 7、锅中留油,放入大葱和姜片,炒出香味捞出! 8、放入白糖和醋,炒成香油色。 9、加入一些清水,大火煮开,放入 鸡肉,使用小火慢煮。 10、等到汤汁变浓稠,大火收汁即可! 红烧鸡块的做法,最正宗的做法家常菜鲁菜,鸡块怎么做好吃,鸡块这样红烧味道非常的棒|Braised chicken chips Shandong cuisine in China How to make chicken How to make chicken 大家好,我是美食达人晨晨,很高兴的为您分享做饭、烹饪、炒菜的一些技巧,和一些经典家常菜做法、宝宝食谱、烘焙食譜、瘦身食谱。也希望大家来订阅我的YouTube官方频道,我会近快更新最新视频,欢迎大家点赞、分享和评论。谢谢大家支持! source

Subscribe to my channel ▶ ————————————————– —————————————- Uncle Rural Gourmet’s secret recipe of pigeons, so yummy and tasty! Hi, I’m Uncle Rural Gourmet from Northwest China, I enjoy cooking and eating in original ways! Turn on the little bell 🔔 for notification and be the first one to watch our… Continue Reading 9 PIGEONS Roasted Together in Ancient Cooking Way! | Rural Gourmet | Chinese Food Eating Show

Subscribe to my channel ▶ ————————————————– —————————————- Uncle Rural Gourmet’s secret recipe of turkey, so yummy and tasty! Hi, I’m Uncle Rural Gourmet from Northwest China, I enjoy cooking and eating in original ways! Turn on the little bell 🔔 for notification and be the first one to watch our… Continue Reading Turkey Roasted in a Kiln and Braised with Rice, Good Chinese Food from Rural | Uncle Rural Gourmet