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If you find your shumai in Houston, Texas especially authentic, you have Hoi Fung to thank. He is the first chef who brought authentic Cantonese cuisine to the city in 1982 after moving from Hong Kong. source

Time/时间: September 12,2020 Coffee ☕️ :https://www.paypal.me/lushangxing Map route(Purple 80)/地图路线(紫色80):https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uKxA30rhWxTyfWOBLSh13GbicCxt9NRL&usp=sharing Equipment/设备: FDR-AX700 – Sony, stabilizer like Ronin-S – DJI Brief introduction/内容简介: 00:00 浙江南路 20:50 浙江中路 Introduction/介绍:浙江中路是上海市中心黄浦区的一条南北走向的街道。南起延安东路(原名爱多亚路),北至苏州河。长1331米。中间由南到北与广东路、福州路、汉口路、九江路、南京东路 、宁波路、北京路、苏州路交汇。1861年筑南京路至北京路一段。1866年筑福州路以南段。19世纪后期筑完全程。是直通北火车站的交通要道。特色是沿路多旅社,南京路口有永安公司、先施公司两大百货公司对峙。 Reference website/参考网站:https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B5%99%E6%B1%9F%E4%B8%AD%E8%B7%AF Not a vlog, just a record; if you have a better suggestion, please leave your valuable feedback./不是vlog,只是記錄;如您有更好的建議,請留下您的寶貴意見。 source

Entschuldigung! I am very happy to upload my recent made – Luan’s travel clip. Lu’an, or 「六安」in Chiese, is a developing city in Anhui Province in the eastern region of the People Republic of China. Especially, in my trip, I visited Huoshan County, which is famous for the production of… Continue Reading Lu'an's Corners – Trip in Lu'an Anhui Province, China

If you find your shumai in Houston, Texas especially authentic, you have Hoi Fung to thank. He is the first chef who brought authentic Cantonese cuisine to the city in 1982 after moving from Hong Kong. Now, his own daughter is carrying on the family’s legacy of cooks, with her… Continue Reading The Hong Kong Chef Who Brought Cantonese Food To Houston