I’d like to introduce you to a delicious snack Scallion oil cake is a special snack in northern China. It belongs to Fujian cuisine or Shandong cuisine. The main ingredients are flour and scallion, which tastes fragrant and salty. The snack is distributed in Fujian, Shandong, Weihai, Northeast China, Hebei… Continue Reading Scallion Pancake//美味佳餚 蔥油餅

Dubbed as the Ice City, Harbin in North China was just a small fishing village over a century ago. After the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, accompanied by the clattering sound of the railroad tracks hitting the railroad ties, the East and the West collided and a city of… Continue Reading 100 Ways To Drool | Exotic taste of Harbin: Fried Pork in Scoop

大锤今天探店一家开了30多年的包子铺,纯手工制作,羊肉包子皮薄馅大,3元一个,豆沫2元一碗,味道真不错! 山东干了30年的包子铺,羊肉包子3元,豆沫2元,一天能卖600个【大锤吃吃吃】 探索山东各地的特色小吃 带您看见各路美食 街巷市井江湖里,一捧人间烟火气 大家好我是大锤吃吃吃,爱吃的朋友一定要关注我哦~ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKHjfPT94XgReu_W7FNZj3g?sub_confirmation=1 #大锤吃吃吃#羊肉包子#山东美食 source

大家好,我是唐哥,我在山东济南。山东小伙自创煎海鱼,海鱼都是批发市场买来,10元一条,日卖400条挣大钱! 山东小伙摆摊煎海鱼,10元左右一条,日卖350多条,1天挣4000元【唐哥美食】 热爱旅游,分享美食,我是唐哥美食,小吃货和驴友这里集合啦 每天都会更新最具地方特色的美食小吃,每天都有视觉盛宴,食肉小伙伴们,想要过过嘴瘾却找不到地方的小伙伴们,我在这里等着你喔 喜欢我分享的美食,就赶紧点击👇👇👇链接关注,美食正在向你招手。 https://tanggemeishi.page.link/eNh4 #唐哥美食#煎海鱼#山东煎海鱼#山东美食 source

#阿杰美食记#烤乳猪#山东美食 今天阿杰实拍山东小伙卖烤乳猪,598元一只,色泽金黄,口感酥脆,不预定都吃不上! 大家好,我是阿杰,一个探寻美食的吃播。 这里是阿杰美食记,我是一个专注于探寻美食的吃播,探遍大千世界,只为寻找美味的食物! 大家想要了解哪里的美食都可以在评论区给我留言,多多观看我的视频,看完了别忘记订阅哦⚩https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHyvMfzP9WlRC6gLqWuoWDg?sub_confirmation=1 source

在山东临沂一个农贸市场门口,这位大婶每天下午在这里卖煮熟的猪下货,一个下午卖一大盆七八十斤 山东大婶卖原味猪下货,猪蹄25猪肝22大肠50一斤,出摊就围上人买【瓜农探味】 大家好,这里是瓜农探味 跟我一起逛大集,探寻隐藏在街头的美味 品味街头美食,用美食记录生活,了解社会百态 大家有什么想看的食物,可以在评论区留言,多多观看我的视频,看完了别忘记点订阅哦https://guanongtanwei.page.link/naxz #瓜农探味#山东美食#猪头肉#小吃 source

大家好,这里是小食光光! 相信每一个吃货都有一颗积极向上的心, 卡姆昂来吧微胖才是境界! 喜欢吃的帅哥、美女、大叔、大妈、大哥、大姐们, 欢迎关注“小食光光”,光光带你吃遍中国美食! 👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH-GaKOFYThhy_PF51masXg?sub_confirmation=1 脸书:https://www.facebook.com/GuangGuangFood/ #小食光光#街边小吃#山东美食#炖鱼 山东张秋炖鱼,去鳞不去鳃,活鱼不洗直接炖,100年就吃这鲜味 source

Delicious and good-looking vegetarian stir-fry# Reunion Shandong New Year #shorts source

Did you know that on this day meatballs… #Shorts #himprowise Did you know that on this day the 9th of March,Every year, National Meatball day is celebrated.the meatball was first created around the 2nd century BC in China,& the recipe was called Four Joy Meatballs, which was derived from Shandong… Continue Reading Did you know that on this day meatballs…