鹅肉家里最常见的吃法就是挂成板鹅了,自己家养的鹅肥瘦适中,做出来的板鹅油脂金黄肉质鲜红,只需要加上盐巴腌制,剩下的就交给时间了,自然风干后,不管怎么吃都觉得是人间美味! ※Click “cc” on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. We usually make salted goose at home. The goose we raise have a moderate lean to fat portion. As a result, the salted goose has golden yellow grease and shiny red meat. Let time does its magic… Continue Reading 板鹅,一道用时间做出来的美味【滇西小哥】

Hey guys! I went for a little trip out to Luzhi, a small interesting watertown outside of Suzhou in Jiangsu province. The place is nice and comfortable to explore. You should definitely go for a walk around if you are coming to Suzhou. If you are interested in going to… Continue Reading TRAVEL VLOG CHINA: Exploring Luzhi, Jiangsu //中国旅游:在甪直旅游

The third in a series of videos about China’s provinces! Today we cover Jiangsu up to Shandong. If you want to know the Chinese names of place names mentioned, you may want to turn on the English subtitles. Jiangsu (00:00) Jiangxi (01:43) Jilin (03:12) Liaoning (04:47) Ningxia (06:04) Qinghai (07:51)… Continue Reading All of China’s Provinces Part 3 (Jiangsu–Shandong)

《意酒中菜》8大菜系之蘇菜 蘇菜以火候、刀功見稱,風格雅麗,形質均美,好睇又好食。蘇菜中的淮揚曾為宮廷菜,國宴中的大多數菜肴也是淮揚菜,所以又稱「國菜」。《意酒中菜》8大菜系之蘇菜,主角正是淮揚菜,於2月16日假座帝苑酒店東來順舉行,意大利飲食達人劉偉民Ronny再次精選7款意大利葡萄酒配搭,其中包括來自Lombardia、Puglia、Sicilia和Piemonte四個大區的7家酒莊。 “Italian Wine Pairing with Traditional Chinese Cuisine” – Jiangsu Cuisine Jiangsu cuisine is well-known for its heat control and delicate carving techniques, which tastes as good as it looks. Huaiyang cuisine is a subsidary of Jiangsu cuisine, it’s used to be serving for the kings and queens, most… Continue Reading 《意酒中菜》8大菜系之蘇菜 #廣東話 #葡萄酒 #意大利葡萄酒 #意酒中菜 #ItalianWineLovers

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来江苏扬州怎么能不品尝小吃,东关街和彩衣街附近有很多本地特色小吃,其中不乏很多年的老字号美食,熙熙攘攘的人群穿梭在老旧的街巷,寻找属于扬州的味道。盐水老鹅,饺面,酱菜,黄桥烧饼,豆腐脑,胡辣汤,赤豆元宵,哪怕是一杯小小的饮品也都能窥见扬州的春色。 How can you come to Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province without tasting snacks? There are many local specialty snacks near Dongguan Street and Caiyi Street. Salted goose, dumpling noodle, pickles, Huangqiao Shaobing, Tofu Nao, Hula soup, red bean Yuanxiao, even a small drink can give a glimpse of the spring of… Continue Reading 江苏扬州东关街小吃,饺面盐水鹅,黄桥烧饼酱菜,阿星吃赤豆元宵Traditional street food in Yangzhou, Jiangsu

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