This channel was created to showcase cooking and other cuisine. Subscribe See more new video : …………………………………………………………………………………………….. #FoodTk #short #shortvideo source

This channel was created to showcase cooking and other cuisine. Subscribe See more new video : …………………………………………………………………………………………….. #FoodTk #short #shortvideo source

Hello everyone, here are Songsong and Ermao, two brothers who live in the country and love village foods (especially the spicy ones!). We’d like to share our life and bring laughter to everyone. This is a channel with funny videos about village foods, village cooking, spicy foods challenge, country life,… Continue Reading TikTok Spicy Foods Chinese Cooking Mukbang | Lamb chops Grilled fish | Funny Video

This channel was created to showcase cooking and other cuisine. Subscribe See more new video : …………………………………………………………………………………………….. #FoodTk #short #shortvideo source

【國宴大師•九轉大腸】甜酸苦辣咸,人生五味,焦香軟嫩,鼎鼎大名的經典魯菜在家就能做 |老飯骨 小友們好,之前有不少人都給咱們留言,說希望看老飯骨做一回九轉大腸,今天就來教大家了。九轉大腸是一道十分出名的經典魯菜,味道甜、酸、苦、辣、咸,五味俱全,色澤紅潤,質地軟嫩,味道醇正,肥而不膩! 不知道有沒有小友願意在家挑戰一下,做這道有名的九轉大腸呢? 大家好,我們是老飯骨!是能吃、會做、擅長侃大山的北京大爺。 我們的菜好看好吃又硬核,過去我們都是做國宴打美食外交的,如今退休在家和老朋友一起想把我們年輕時研究操練的菜品分享給大家,讓大家在家裏學著做真正兒的大菜,嘗嘗國宴菜品和中外領導人吃過的美食。 我們分別是大爺鄭秀生 國宴大師北京飯店行政總廚,親自主理建國五十周年,開國第一宴工作; 二伯孫立新;多次擔任多位國家領導人宴請中外貴賓的菜單主設計者, 老飯骨(吃貨)合體教妳做地道美味的家常菜,最正宗的北方菜,還有幾乎失傳的老菜,家傳秘方通通傾囊相授! 我們會每周一三五更新視頻,教妳做菜,和妳嘮嗑,與妳分享家的味道。 喜歡我們的朋友歡迎評論,點贊和訂閱,打開小鈴鐺不會錯過我們的最新動態哦! 點擊下面的鏈接可以直接訂閱哦! *Facebook* #國宴大師#九轉大腸#大師的菜#老飯骨#國宴#魯菜 #laofangu#九轉大腸做法#StateDinner#吃貨#家常菜 #做菜#美食#TikTok#TikTokFood#抖音美食#Recipe #抖音老飯骨#主廚 #大廚 #國宴主廚#美食教程 source

Peppercorn House, Woburn, MA source

TikTok China | Spicy Food Mukbang | Eating Spicy Chili | Songsong and Ermao Hello everyone, here are Songsong and Ermao, two brothers who live in the country and love village foods (especially the spicy ones!). We’d like to share our life and bring laughter to everyone. This is a… Continue Reading Super Spicy Food Challenge | Weird Chinese Foods | TikTok Funny Videos Collection | Songsong & Ermao

This channel was created to showcase cooking and other cuisine. Subscribe See more new video : ………………………………………………………………………………………………… #FoodTk #shorts #shortvideo source

Turn on the little bell 🔔 for notification and be the first one to watch Er Mao videos. Thank you for watching my videos ! Eating spicy food-tik tok China #SouDa #spicyfood​​ #Short source