关注品城记FB账号→https://pcjfb.page.link/bjYi 聽大廚一口“塑料普通話”,就知道這家湘菜館味道夠正宗啦! 看來嘉昇是找到今年的“命中貴人”了! 最近,嘉昇傍上了肉肉這個女嘉賓,經費標準急轉直上,大有超越大秋,成為品城記經費一哥的趨勢!繼前兩天跟肉肉去吃市師雞之後,嘉昇今天又是“大魚大肉”的一天!只不過,他選了一家湘菜館。之所以選擇這裡,一是因為它們的食材都是湖南當地供應的,而且全是當季食材,非常新鮮;另外,大廚把每一道菜的口味都調配得非常開胃刺激,一口熱辣辣的菜,一口白飯,對於碳水愛好者來說,簡直太過癮了! 大眾點評 店名:佬麻雀·豆漿煮魚(總店) 地址:廣州市黃埔區科學大道54號102-110房間 電話:020-89858081 人均:89 口味:4.44 環境:4.73 服務:4.43 營業時間:週一至週日 11:00-14:00 17:00-21:00 賬單 商家免單,兼哥之後提供價格表 吃遍广东 https://pcjgd.page.link/u9DC 跟着嘉升吃美食 https://pcjjs.page.link/rniX 跟着大秋吃美食 https://pcjdq.page.link/V9Hh 吃遍佛山 https://pcjfs.page.link/RtQw 粥粉面饭来一波 https://pcjzfmf.page.link/qL6j 吃遍珠海 https://pcjzh.page.link/29hQ 品一座城 https://pcjzg.page.link/V9Hh 吃鸡! https://pcjcj.page.link/Tbeh 跟着品城记玩啊 https://pcjw.page.link/V9Hh 品一座城,不僅僅是美食,更是人文! 走,帶你去找好吃的! 我們的夢想,是吃遍世界上每一座城市的美食! 吃遍給廣州,再吃遍全世界! 傳統中華美食,西餐,網紅美食,平民小吃! 只要是好吃的,我們絕不放過! 想要GET更多好吃的食物,跟著我們就對了!歡迎訂閱【https://pcj.page.link/Tbeh】 你的城市哪裡好吃哪裡好玩?全在我們的原創視頻裡! #品城記 #探店 #廣州#湘菜#湖南菜#重口味 source

Changsha (长沙) is the capital city of Hunan Province in China. Changsha (长沙) is the Chinese Prefecture-level City. During the Chinese New Year 2017, I has the opportunity to transit in Changsha (长沙) for one day. What to do in Changsha? Follow me to explore Changsha (长沙) city center, Wuyi… Continue Reading Changsha Hunan China Travel in One Day – Street Food & Wuyi Pedestrian Walk [Small Girl Big World]

Ingredients cabbage pork belly ginger garlic dried chili salt light soy sauce dark soy sauce oyster sauce vinegar source

人狠话不多,想吃什么跟我说。大家好,我是胖猴子。今天是我老妈的生日,从衡水到深县来专门买了一些首饰,一条项链一个挂坠,希望老妈能够喜欢,猴哥领全家下馆子,地道湖南菜吃出了家的味道! 猴妈过生日,猴哥买首饰领全家下馆子,地道湖南菜吃出了家的味道! 感谢大家的支持,想要加入猴仔队的小伙伴们,赶紧点击下方👇👇👇链接: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnWNu1fNP4_h1AjvPExgnrA/join 大家好,我是胖猴仔。一个非常热爱美食的吃货大胃王! 自己动手每天做美味的食物,在YouTube每天会为大家更新不一样的美食 我不是厨师,做的菜都是按照自己感觉来的,做的不好见谅 大家有什么好吃的可以推荐在评论区留言和我分享,美食正在向你招手! 👉👉👉https://panghouzai.page.link/eNh4 Facebook:https://panghouzai.page.link/Facebook #胖猴仔#生日宴#湖南菜 source

A hot, sizzling shot out to everyone who helped support Green Menu in our first fundraiser of the year! We had a fiery turn out at Hunan Mao Restaurant and the spicy food did not disappoint! If you missed us this time, no worries, we’ll have more fundraisers in the… Continue Reading Green Menu Fundraiser | Hunan Mao Restaurant | January 10, 2017

■日本語説明は下方 Hunan cuisine, also known as Xiang cuisine, consists of the cuisines of the Xiang River region, Dongting Lake and western Hunan Province in China. It is one of the Eight Great Traditions of Chinese cuisine and is well known for its hot and spicy flavours,fresh aroma and deep colours.… Continue Reading 【道頓堀】湖南料理 湘味食府 Hunan Cuisine

So recommended! Everything was so flavorful! #shorts source

Pork Stir Fry Chilli is the sign of Hunan Cuisine, If you like the real hot and spicy chinese dish, I guarantee you will like this one! We put a lot of fresh chilli and garlic to cook with sliced pork, that’s simple and delicious! We call it rice killer… Continue Reading If U Know A Chinese Guy From Hunan Province, Ask Him About This Dish – Pork Stir Fry Chilli | 辣椒炒肉