Think about your typical Chinese restaurant in the United States. What’s on the menu? It’s likely wonton, chop suey, and lo mein. These dishes all come from one part of China: the Cantonese region. But even Cantonese food is more diverse than what you might find in the States. Seafood,… Continue Reading What Is Cantonese Food? – Eat China (S1E2)

Chinese food is much more than just stir-fry, noodles, and dumplings. In this video, we break down Chinese food into roughly four schools—north, south, east, and west—and explain what makes them different. This is the first episode in a 13-part series on Chinese food (we know, it’s a lot). Stay… Continue Reading Chinese Food 101: North vs. South vs. East vs. West – Eat China (S1E1)