关注品城记FB账号→https://pcjfb.page.link/bjYi 聽大廚一口“塑料普通話”,就知道這家湘菜館味道夠正宗啦! 看來嘉昇是找到今年的“命中貴人”了! 最近,嘉昇傍上了肉肉這個女嘉賓,經費標準急轉直上,大有超越大秋,成為品城記經費一哥的趨勢!繼前兩天跟肉肉去吃市師雞之後,嘉昇今天又是“大魚大肉”的一天!只不過,他選了一家湘菜館。之所以選擇這裡,一是因為它們的食材都是湖南當地供應的,而且全是當季食材,非常新鮮;另外,大廚把每一道菜的口味都調配得非常開胃刺激,一口熱辣辣的菜,一口白飯,對於碳水愛好者來說,簡直太過癮了! 大眾點評 店名:佬麻雀·豆漿煮魚(總店) 地址:廣州市黃埔區科學大道54號102-110房間 電話:020-89858081 人均:89 口味:4.44 環境:4.73 服務:4.43 營業時間:週一至週日 11:00-14:00 17:00-21:00 賬單 商家免單,兼哥之後提供價格表 吃遍广东 https://pcjgd.page.link/u9DC 跟着嘉升吃美食 https://pcjjs.page.link/rniX 跟着大秋吃美食 https://pcjdq.page.link/V9Hh 吃遍佛山 https://pcjfs.page.link/RtQw 粥粉面饭来一波 https://pcjzfmf.page.link/qL6j 吃遍珠海 https://pcjzh.page.link/29hQ 品一座城 https://pcjzg.page.link/V9Hh 吃鸡! https://pcjcj.page.link/Tbeh 跟着品城记玩啊 https://pcjw.page.link/V9Hh 品一座城,不僅僅是美食,更是人文! 走,帶你去找好吃的! 我們的夢想,是吃遍世界上每一座城市的美食! 吃遍給廣州,再吃遍全世界! 傳統中華美食,西餐,網紅美食,平民小吃! 只要是好吃的,我們絕不放過! 想要GET更多好吃的食物,跟著我們就對了!歡迎訂閱【https://pcj.page.link/Tbeh】 你的城市哪裡好吃哪裡好玩?全在我們的原創視頻裡! #品城記 #探店 #廣州#湘菜#湖南菜#重口味 source

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►SUBSCRIBE for new videos every week: We went to Yen chinese restaurant at the W Taipei. They serve elevated dimsum and high quality Chinese dishes with unique twists over beautiful views of Taipei. ► Website: https://marriottbonvoyasia.com/restaurants-bars/WTaipeiYENChineseRestaurant ► Address: W Hotel Taipei, 10 Zhongxiao East Rd Sec. 5, Xinyi District, Taipei,… Continue Reading YEN Restaurant in TAIPEI, high-quality DIMSUM & CHINESE FOOD at W HOTEL, Taiwan

Hello everyone, this is the only official YouTube channel of Yummy Eating Show TV! There are a variety of food here Like our channel, remember to subscribe 👉https://bit.ly/3yZorTw #EnokiMushroom#EatingShow#ChineseFood#Noodles source

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Thai cuisine is considered one of the best in the world, and Bangkok is best known for its excellent street food. I take you on my tour of one of Bangkok’s most famous neighborhoods: Chinatown. In this video, I explore Yaowarat Road and show you authentic Chinese snacks and delicious… Continue Reading 🇹🇭 Bangkok Chinatown | TRADITIONAL STREET FOOD (& I got a gift from a monk – UNBELIEVABLE🤩)

Hi, I’m Rose from Uganda! In this channel, I share food and Chinese country life! Subscribe to this channel if you like my channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsVKn32MwIVd9cPa6Yo1ztg Facebook【Rose Anzai】:https://www.facebook.com/roseinchina1 Tiktok【Rose Anzai】:tiktok.com/@roseinchina1 #chinesefood #cooking #rurallife source

湖南辣椒炒肉好吃有訣竅,湘菜大廚教你正確做法,鮮香好吃又下飯【阿朝哥美食 】#湖南辣椒炒肉 #湖南 #辣椒炒肉 大家好,我是阿朝,每天為你分享一道家常菜做法! 我是一個愛美食,愛唱歌!只要有閒工夫就是停下來唱歌和做美食!這樣生活才過的有滋有味 !特別喜歡交朋友 !希望透過我的美食給大家傳正能量 ! ❤️如果大家喜歡的影片, 記得按下鏈結訂閱我的頻道!👉https://bit.ly/3tWFym4 每天都會為您帶來一道#家常菜 🍲給阿朝的影片來一個#like 👍🏼 不要忘了按下小鈴鐺🔔 有最新影片,就會馬上通知您 希望大家喜歡我的美食影片! 阿朝掌勺&朝哥美廚 唯一油管頻道,請勿侵權! 商務合作:[email protected] 【🥞早餐 Breakfast】https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGV8ujeVSbCemAAzfOsJsgtiVMopeNXR2 【🍝晚餐 Dinner】https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGV8ujeVSbCdGAGbmzwA8QBe2p51ASBqd 【🍨甜品 Dessert】https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGV8ujeVSbCf0dT356lsNkZwy8Q_k8gcQ 【🐐羊肉类美食 Lamb】https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGV8ujeVSbCfi2LC2AuF67S235wfe4pKv 【🐂牛肉类美食 Beef】https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGV8ujeVSbCcsbTwHnsDPjf_KxT7gtNUn 【🥬素食类美食Vegetarian diet】https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGV8ujeVSbCccqPxEDwUymKN-749Ju8xX 【🐟海鲜类美食 Seafood】https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGV8ujeVSbCdbtd61Yy8HywMjloFsnFgU 【🐓家禽类美食 Poultry】https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGV8ujeVSbCceMaXDksjt3MID9SPYha3V 【🐷猪肉类美食 Pork】https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGV8ujeVSbCfCNKi4yduqBaxT2ZWKU8rs 【🌝其他美食 Other】https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGV8ujeVSbCeiRcWW5QC9ySY40qfIxliw food, foodofinstagram, foodie, toptags, instafood, yummy, amazingfood, tasty, chinesefood, chinesecuisine,… Continue Reading 湖南辣椒炒肉好吃有訣竅,湘菜大廚教你正確做法,鮮香好吃又下飯【阿朝哥美食 】#湖南辣椒炒肉 #湖南 #辣椒炒肉

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