After arriving in New York City, I needed some CHINESE FOOD! So, I headed to Flushing to meet up with my friend Xiao Ma an incredible content creator who is famous for shocking people with his mind-blowing language proficiency skills! 🔥 Buy David’s Been Here Hot Sauce: 🌍 Visit… Continue Reading Xiaomanyc CHINESE FOOD TOUR of New York City! The BEST CHINESE FOOD in NYC!

Variety Street Food in China || Vinod Vlogs from China #China #TeluguVlogs #StreetFood Join with me on Telegram : Hi, this is Vinod, Basically, I am from Hyderabad. I am working in China for a Trading company. Right now I am living in Yiwu city which is in Central… Continue Reading Variety Street Food in China || Vinod Vlogs from China

Today we’re gonna eat at 阮师傅生煎 Ruan Shi Fu Sheng Jian Bao, in Wuhu, Anhui Province, East China. It only serves 3 types of filling, Chinese Chive, Baby Bok Choy, and Minced Pork. Each piece cost 1RMB (Around $0.15 USD). Feel Love by Luke Bergs Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike… Continue Reading Chinese street food – Pan Fried Bun in Wuhu, Anhui Province, China. 安徽省蕪湖市阮師傅生煎包,剛一出爐就賣完

岜沙苗寨隐藏在贵州从江县的山区,这里是最后一个合法持枪的部落,岜沙成年男子世世代代刀不离腰,肩不离枪。苗寨还保持着原始的生活习惯和民族风貌,用镰刀剃头,男耕女织,不随意砍伐树木,树就是这里的灵魂。阿星来到这里品尝特色腌鱼,果园辣子鸡。Basha Miao Village is hidden in the mountains of Congjiang County, Guizhou Province. This is the last tribe that legally holds guns. For generations, adult men in Basha have kept their swords on their waists and guns on their shoulders. The Miao village still maintains the original living habits and… Continue Reading 贵州从江岜沙苗寨,最后的持枪部落,阿星吃酸辣腌鱼,烟熏腊肠Basha Miao village food in Guizhou

四川彭州的九尺镇确实美食众多,红油剔骨肉也是不可错过的美味。小镇上的川菜老店生意火爆,不仅上菜速度快,菜品味道也很好,把红油剔骨肉做出了名。来吃饭的食客络绎不绝,点菜交流都要靠喊,阿星还吃到了地道的甑子米饭。 Jiuchi Town in Pengzhou, Sichuan does have many delicacies, and red oil deboned meat is also a delicacy that cannot be missed. The old Sichuan restaurant in the small town is booming. Not only is the serving speed fast, but the food tastes very good. It is famous for… Continue Reading 四川彭州红油剔骨肉,九尺镇老店,生意好上菜快,阿星吃甑子米饭Red oil deboned meat in Pengzhou, Sichuan

food for fatsongsong and thinermao | chinese food | food challenge | country food | tasty food,The foods included in the video include: soaked lotus root belt, fried lotus root belt with bacon, garlic-flavored river mussels, fried pork with bamboo shoots, fried sixtie, roasted sixtie, shrimp slices, fried meat with… Continue Reading food for fatsongsong and thinermao | chinese food | food challenge | country food | tasty food

上海历史上作为移民城市,汇聚了八方美食和菜系,在不断的学习和融合中形成了独特的上海菜。上海菜又叫沪菜,上海人称之为本帮菜,以浓油赤酱和甜糯醇厚为特色,刀工厨艺比较复杂,烹制时间也较长,百年来在当地无论社会名流还是普通百姓都很喜欢。阿星品尝百年上海菜老饭店招牌菜,八宝鸭,虾籽大乌参,草头圈子,糟钵斗,扣三丝,体验美味的沪菜史。 As a city of immigrants in history, Shanghai has gathered all kinds of cuisines and delicacies, and formed a unique Shanghai cuisine through continuous learning and integration. Shanghai cuisine is also called Hu cuisine, and Shanghai people call it the local cuisine. It is characterized by thick oily red… Continue Reading 上海百年本帮菜,浓油赤酱沪菜老味道,阿星吃草头圈子,虾籽乌参Traditional local dishes in Shanghai

My final day in China started off in the city of Hangzhou, where I set off early that morning to find a delicious Hangzhou-style breakfast! I couldn’t wait to fill up on more amazing, local food before I had to leave for Shanghai! My street food search began in the… Continue Reading Chinese STREET FOOD Breakfast Tour in Hangzhou + BULLET TRAIN to Shanghai | Hangzhou, China

Wazzup mga haydol. Welcome to BINONDO MANILA Chinatown! This is our very first TRAVEL FOR FUN FOOD REVIEW!! Our first ever is in the OLDEST CHINATOWN IN THE WORLD!! Watch me experience the best treats and delicacies and other Chinese-Filipino Street Food,, PART2 of my Binondo Chinatown Food trip:… Continue Reading Manila Street Food | The Oldest CHINATOWN in the World!! Best TREATS & DELICACIES!!

布尔津是新疆阿勒泰的一座边疆小城,冬天额尔齐斯河千里冰封,到处覆盖着白雪,糖果色的建筑有梦幻的感觉,也被称作童话小城。阿星来到布尔津品尝美食,大盘辣子鸡拌面,红彤彤的线椒爆炒鸡块,再拌入酱汁和皮带面,阿星吃了3个加面不过瘾。 Buerjin is a small border town in Aletai, Xinjiang. In winter, the Irtysh River is frozen for thousands of miles, covered with snow everywhere, and the candy-colored buildings have a dreamlike feeling. It is also known as a fairy tale town. Axing came to Buerjin to taste delicious food,… Continue Reading 新疆童话小城布尔津,大盘辣子鸡拌面,3份皮带加面,红线椒香辣Spicy chicken noodle in Buerjin, Xinjiang