岜沙苗寨隐藏在贵州从江县的山区,这里是最后一个合法持枪的部落,岜沙成年男子世世代代刀不离腰,肩不离枪。苗寨还保持着原始的生活习惯和民族风貌,用镰刀剃头,男耕女织,不随意砍伐树木,树就是这里的灵魂。阿星来到这里品尝特色腌鱼,果园辣子鸡。Basha Miao Village is hidden in the mountains of Congjiang County, Guizhou Province. This is the last tribe that legally holds guns. For generations, adult men in Basha have kept their swords on their waists and guns on their shoulders. The Miao village still maintains the original living habits and ethnic style, shaving their heads with a sickle, men plowing and women weaving, and not cutting down trees at will. Trees are the soul here. Axing came here to taste the special salted fish, orchard spicy chicken.


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