Hello everyone, here are Songsong and Ermao, two brothers who live in the country and love village foods (especially the spicy ones!). We’d like to share our life and bring laughter to everyone. This is a channel with funny videos about village foods, village cooking, spicy foods challenge, country life,… Continue Reading Spicy Foods Challenge | Chinese Foods Mukbang | TikTok Funny Videos | Super Spicy Foods

#小猪猪特能吃#猪手鸭#东坡肉 大家好,我是小猪猪。迷恋江浙菜系的我,打卡了一家超级棒的“宴稼厨房”,猪手鸭太好吃了!东坡肉配酒酿馒头简直神仙!还有熏鱼也超级好吃! 大家好,这里是“小猪猪特能吃”YouTube唯一官方频道 地道北京姑娘,爱吃爱笑爱分享,小猪猪带你们吃转中国! 每天会在YouTube平台,和大家分享好吃、美味的食物 大家的点赞和订阅都是对我来说很宝贵的,喜欢就关注我吧! source

For the first time in my life, I eat vegetable pancakes and I have a spicy fan pack! AIYOAYOU Shanghai Eat Broadcast Spicy spicy Liangpi children Shandong cuisine pancakes-vegetable pancake + Liangpi children! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8r3bjSfa9ryM5MQU1402IQ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8r3bjSfa9ryM5MQU1402IQ/videos ต้ม กุ้ง กั้ง ปลาหมึก ปู กลางทะเล รับประทานอาหารกุ้งเม่นทะเลปลาหมึกยักษ์ กุ้งลายเสือ กุ้งล็อบสเตอร์ ผัดต้มแบบชาวประมงจีน source

Subscribe to my channel ▶https://bit.ly/30eqjsu ————————————————– —————————————- Uncle Rural Gourmet’s secret recipe of turkey, so yummy and tasty! Hi, I’m Uncle Rural Gourmet from Northwest China, I enjoy cooking and eating in original ways! Turn on the little bell 🔔 for notification and be the first one to watch our… Continue Reading Turkey Roasted in a Kiln and Braised with Rice, Good Chinese Food from Rural | Uncle Rural Gourmet