Keywords: Suzhou cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Chinese noodles, braised duck

As I wrote in the “description” section of the last video (, there are many erroneous opinions about the “triple shrimp” noodles 三虾面 coming from the locals of Suzhou, where the dish originated, as a lot of people seem to think that 三虾面 was invented just a few years ago.

Wrong! Below is my response ( to an article that ridicules 三虾面, one where the comment section is filled with the aforementioned erroneous opinions:

拜托,“没听过”跟“不存在”是两码事,很多评论者混为一谈。从前没听过三虾面很正常,本来这菜就脱离大众(哪怕在今天),但不等于从前不存在,那些声称“几年前才听说过三虾面”的老苏州只是不在三虾面的圈层罢了,评论的评论里就有人提及小时候有所听闻。我再给几个例子:1958年生于苏州的苏州市作家协会理事、苏州市杂文学会副会长王稼句在05年出版的《姑苏食话》写到“朱鸿兴还讲求时令,农历五月子虾上市,就供应‘三虾面’”;1933年生于江苏丰县,随后曾在东吴大学等校任职的逯耀东在05年出版的《寒夜客来》写到“苏州靠近太湖,虾大而鲜嫩…除了虾仁面,这里还有三虾面,以虾仁,虾脑,虾子三样合制而成”;1971年生于上海的邵宛澍出身世家,在​05年出版的《梅玺阁菜话》写到“更为夸张的是,虾仁虾脑也都一一洗出剥出,做成鲜美无比的‘三虾面’。也不知是苏州人的耐心成就了名菜,还是剥虾仁练出了苏州人的精致。” 书都是2005年出版的,但食物肯定更早就有,保守推测至少二十年历史不为过,故而三虾面哪怕不是真正的老传统,现在应该也算得上“小传统”了吧,并且按照目前趋势延续下去,很可能以后真的变成苏式面的重要传统。窃以为这是好事,这是苏式面有发展有活力的体现,可喜可贺,值得喝彩(秃黄油同理)。我力挺三虾面,亦钟爱三虾面,每年夏天都要吃(笔者提到猪油帮主老波头那微头条我拜读过,非要在该文章说的一月份去吃,那是自讨没趣),不多久前就连续吃了两天。然而我必须补充,面食或三虾类菜品而言我并非只吃三虾面,三虾面亦不是让我“入坑”的第一碗苏式面(那是同得兴的大肉面,嘉馀坊那家),并且三虾面相对其他苏式面来说确实昂贵,不过高低兼容的品德,丰俭由人的能耐,我认为正是苏式面与众不同的特点之一,但作为苏式面的拥趸,不希望只有创新的和高端的产品,也希望有传统的及平民的选择,因此荣阳楼非常有价值,裕兴记也很有价值,只是他俩的价值不同。说到价值,究竟值不值得专程跑到苏州吃碗三虾面,这其中牵涉到的代价和收获都很主观,倘若家里做不出或者所在城市找不到所谓“像样”的三虾面,并且你也愿意为了品尝理论上“像样”的三虾面而承担成本(金钱、时间、机会),那试试无妨。

In essence, I cited three books, all published in 2005 and written by accomplished gastronomes and scholars, that describe the “triple shrimp” noodles of Suzhou, thereby squashing the claims that 三虾面 was created just a few years ago.

A reader replied to my comment and said that the 三虾面 has long been available at 沧浪亭, a time-honored, noodles-centric brand in Shanghai likely named after the eponymous pavilion/garden in Suzhou. Sorry haters, eat that while I eat my 三虾面.
一位读者在我的评论里留言说: “上海沧浪亭一直有三虾面,不知道现在还有么?鲜美是唯一且无法忘记的记忆。”

If the “triple shrimp” noodles ain’t old enough, there’s the 卤鸭面 braised duck noodles. I dunno if there are older sources, but it appeared in the 1936 anthology 吴门新竹枝, mentioned in the poem “三月清斋苜蓿肴,鱼腥虾蟹远厨疱。今朝雷族香初罢,松鹤楼头卤鸭面.” The second verse describes how Suzhou folks fast during a summer month known locally as “雷斋,” and at the start and end of the fasting period they would burn incense at the 玄妙观 temple, then go to nearby Songhelou for a bowl of braised duck noodles.
如果三虾面不够传统,那卤鸭面或许更有历史,在1936年出版的《吴门新竹枝》就有诗云: “三月清斋苜蓿肴,鱼腥虾蟹远厨疱。今朝雷族香初罢,松鹤楼头卤鸭面.”

I am not sure if the true olden ways of preparation have been preserved, but nowadays at Songhelou, mallards weighing around 2-3kg are braised for 90 mins, during which they take on the maroon hue from the red yeast rice, along with the complex sweet-savory flavors of the secret mix of ingredients. The duck tasted like a million bucks, no wonder why it was the last meat to start and the first meat to end the fast. 

PS: About crawfish and Chinese summer, watch this previous video:

Name: 松鹤面馆
Add.: 太监弄1-27号 (江苏苏州 Suzhou, Jiangsu)
Tel.: 0512-67727707
Cost (this meal): RMB 103/p
Price (online info): RMB 61/p
