作者昵称:川妹子王姐 source

作者昵称:花尾渡手作美食 source

作者昵称:花尾渡手作美食 source

■日本語説明は下方 Hunan cuisine, also known as Xiang cuisine, consists of the cuisines of the Xiang River region, Dongting Lake and western Hunan Province in China. It is one of the Eight Great Traditions of Chinese cuisine and is well known for its hot and spicy flavours,fresh aroma and deep colours.… Continue Reading 【道頓堀】湖南料理 湘味食府 Hunan Cuisine

作者昵称:花尾渡手作美食 source

作者昵称:川妹子王姐 source

作者昵称:花尾渡手作美食 source

作者昵称:花尾渡手作美食 source

作者昵称:川妹子王姐 source

作者昵称:花尾渡手作美食 source