浙江嘉兴,大叔卖红烧羊肉31年,自学成才1天20只羊,卖完一锅面能赚上万,名震杭嘉湖! 🔷兰州爆辣牛肉面 https://youtu.be/DlsqimOgUO0 🔶泉州牛肉汤泡面 https://youtu.be/CLENyEVaUNs 🔷甘肃变态辣牛肉面 https://youtu.be/Y1gcR5mYSD8 大家好,我是麦总,生活中一大爱好是尝遍美食 立志走遍大江南北挖掘市井中的美味 带给大家不一样的美食文化 喜欢我就点击订阅吧:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX-M8j9vQ-oUGO9Mckd601A?sub_confirmation=1 #红烧羊肉 #羊肉面 #浙江美食 #麦总去哪吃 source

In a small village in Suichang county of Lishui, Zhejiang province, Adikin Rose Mary, a girl from Uganda, is a vlogger with over 10.5 million fans on the internet. She shares her daily lives in rural China and cooks Chinese food. People commented her as a foreign daughter-in-law who knows… Continue Reading Ugandan Rose blooms in rural China

Old video from last year Hi, I’m Rose from Uganda! In this channel, I share food and Chinese country life! Subscribe to this channel if you like my videos:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsVKn32MwIVd9cPa6Yo1ztg Facebook【Rose Anzai】:https://www.facebook.com/roseinchina1 Tiktok【Rose Anzai】:tiktok.com/@roseinchina1 #chinesefood #cooking #rurallife source

Ozcan is a foreigner running a Turkish restaurant in Yiwu. He used to be a soccer player and came to Yiwu after an injury. At the beginning, he encountered many barriers and difficulties in business, but after twists and turns, his restaurant has become a popular Turkish restaurant in Yiwu.… Continue Reading 2nd @Beautiful Zhejiang Global Short Video Contest | I Have Brought My Hometown Food to Yiwu

To say where in our country is most likely to meet stars, it is not Beijing Shanghai, but Hengdian, Zhejiang Province, because this town is China’s first film and television city, many stars will come here to start work, to convey resources for the film and television industry. Hengdian scenery,… Continue Reading The whole street in Zhejiang is cooking a dish. Zhao Liying and Wang Yibo came to eat it, but the lo

See full recipe here: http://www.iceorrice.com/recipe/sweet-sour-pork-ribs/ Sweet and sour is always a perfect combination when it comes to food in general. This delicious dish is surprisingly simple and easy to make. No deep-frying needed. It was one of my favorite comfort foods when I was a child. I couldn’t stop once… Continue Reading How to Make Chinese Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs (糖醋排骨)

River Snails Rice Noodle (Chinese: Luosifen) is a Chinese noodle soup and specialty of Liuzhou, Guangxi. The dish consists of rice noodles boiled and served in a soup. The stock that forms the soup is made by stewing river snails and pork bones for several hours with black cardamom, fennel… Continue Reading River Snails Rice Noodle | Famous Chinese Street Food in Hangzhou, Zhejiang.

How do you cook 3 dishes in 15 minutes? Today we are introducing you to 1 fish cooks 3 ways! 1whole fish A pinch of salt 20 Shanghai bok choy 4 ounces of tofu 1 roll of glass noodles, soak in water 3 ounces of mushrooms 1 cup of minced… Continue Reading How to Cook 3 AMAZING Chinese Dishes in 15 Mins? CiCi Li – Asian Home Cooking Recipes

【订阅China Zone – 纪录片】http://bit.ly/2fDsy41 【A Bite of ChinaⅠ Full Playlist】http://bit.ly/2vwkrvr 【A Bite of ChinaⅡ Full Playlist】http://bit.ly/2w57QQE 【剧情简介】 A Bite of China presents Chinese food to the audiences, especially those who do not live in China in a very comfortable rhythm by using extremely delicate scenes. Here we can see the… Continue Reading A Bite of ChinaⅡ EP7|《舌尖上的中国2》第7集 – 三餐