This is 365 Chinese Cuisine. Each episode will let you know different types of Chinese cuisine. In this installment, we will introduce the famous food in Hunan which is called “Xiang cuisine”. Also, the most popular food in China — Stinky tofu (臭豆腐). Watch our video and check for the… Continue Reading 365 Chinese Cuisine | Ep.20170428 – 【Hunan Cuisine】

【中華料理 天遊】テンユウ ~酢豚(和豚・兵庫県産)~〈600円〉 ~麻婆豆腐~〈550円〉 ~ギョーザ~〈250円〉 ~泥チャン(尼チャンのニンニクピリ辛天津麺)~〈800円〉 ~皿うどん~〈750円〉 地図 住所 兵庫県尼崎市東難波町5丁目8−19 衝撃どんぶりとの出会い!!素朴な大衆蕎麦屋の玉のせ親子丼にひと目惚れ丨 | Japan’s Tastiest Rice Bowl: OYAKODON 叩き上げガチ中華職人!!ありったけの情熱を込めた妥協なき仕込み| The Best Chinese Chef’s Cooking Techniques 音でも旨い炒飯玉子!!鮮やかな職人鍋さばきが炸裂する地元密着町中華丨Egg Fried Rice – Wok Skills in Japan うどんそば 兵庫 Udonsoba Hyogo #町中華 #Chinesefood #중국집 source

Sichuan cuisine, originating from the Sichuan province in China, is known for its bold flavors, particularly the pungency and spiciness from garlic and chili peppers, as well as the unique flavor of Sichuan pepper. Sichuan peppercorn has an intense fragrant, citrus-like flavor and produces a “tingly-numbing” sensation in the mouth.… Continue Reading Sichuan Cuisine | 10 Dishes in 15 Minutes | In the Kitchen | Relaxing Video