#BeautyofZhejiang: Tasting Zhejiang, Tasting Sanmen Crabs

Philip, a French who has been living in China for more than 10 years, has witnessed the rapid development of the country. Following his steps, we arrived in Sanmen, a coastal county of Taizhou, Zhejiang Province that is famous for its crabs

The delicate flavor of its crabs is developed from the natural environment of Sanmen. The county is a semi-enclosed bay with numerous islands scattered along its ragged coastline. The islands help minimize the impact of storms and tides, providing crabs a desirable environment to grow. There is a popular saying in the county, “Sanmen crabs, walking all over the world.”

Sanmen County, located in the northeastern coastal area of Taizhou City, is surrounded by beautiful wooded mountains and rich in natural resources. It has made a name for itself as the “Sanmen Bay, Golden Beach”. The county is rich in fish, shrimp, shellfish, algae, crabs and owns more than 100 kinds of seafood. During the past 40 years of reform and opening-up, Sanmen fishery has broken through the traditional routine and undergone conspicuous modernization transformation, which serves as a vivid case of fishery reform.

菲利普在中国定居已有十余年,亲眼目睹了这个国家的飞速发展。跟随着他的脚步,我们正位于浙江三门,一座海滨县城。三门的螃蟹在中国享有盛名。三门的螃蟹的美味要归功于当地的自然环境。三门县是一座半封闭的海湾,在其层次不齐的海岸线周边,分散地分布着无数的小岛。这些岛屿可以帮助减弱风暴和潮汐的影响,为三门的螃蟹提供一个可以生长的环境。在三门有一句为当地人熟知的广告语:“三门螃蟹,行遍世界。” 三门县,山川神秀,物产丰富,民风淳朴,素有“三门湾、金海滩”之美誉。全县盛产鱼、虾、贝、藻、蟹五大类100多种小海鲜。改革开放40年,三门渔业发展突破传统概念,经历了翻天覆地的现代化转型,演绎了渔业改革的生动样本。
