潮汕的夜晚有吃不完的美食,阿星来到广东普宁品尝美味,夜粥和夜茶是当地人最爱的夜宵。老旧的街道上售卖多年的番薯粥,搭配白醋生腌蟹和小咸菜,小小的摊位被食客挤满。居民楼下的夜茶店深夜人气还很旺,街坊邻居一边聊天,一边喝茶吃点心,自在又惬意。 There are endless delicacies in Chaoshan at night. Axing came to Puning, Guangdong to taste delicious food. Night porridge and night tea are the favorite night snacks of the locals. The old streets sell sweet potato porridge for many years, served with white vinegar raw crabs and small pickles,… Continue Reading 广东普宁夜粥夜茶,生腌蟹番薯粥,7元点心任选,阿星吃潮汕夜宵Night porridge and tea in Puning, Guangdong

#GuangZhou #探店 #云吞 餐厅名称:大众面馆(多宝分店) 餐厅地址:广州市荔湾区多宝路236号首层 GOOGLE MAP:https://goo.gl/maps/YERebqU4oeNidKhq7 BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/9d/NPXf 餐厅消费:蚝油捞面¥7,净云吞-大份¥10 ———————————— 更多精彩视频推荐: ★南浦岛海鲜大排档★ ★西门口晚市半价点心★ ★新花鸟鱼虫市场★ ★芳村最大宴会酒楼★ ★中国大酒店食街88蚊早茶★ ★顺德伦教排骨饭★ —————————————————— BGM: ES_Devoted – Megan Wofford ES_Friend of Mine – Johannes Bornlof Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:42 大众面馆/蚝油捞面/净云吞/逢源路 08:51 宝源路 13:14 蓬莱西约 20:48 贤思西 25:18 Ending source

一年一度的萨吾尔冬牧文化节在新疆阿勒泰的小城吉木乃举办,萨乌尔山是北疆优良的冬季牧场,是哈萨克族生存繁衍的地方。节日不仅展现了游牧民族的风俗,生活场景,体育项目,还有让阿星垂涎欲滴的大锅冰川羊肉,美食美景都很棒。 The annual Sawuer Winter Animal Husbandry Cultural Festival is held in Jimunai, a small town in Aletai, Xinjiang. Sawuer Mountain is an excellent winter pasture in northern Xinjiang, where the Kazakhs live and multiply. The festival not only showed the customs of nomads, life scenes, sports events, but also… Continue Reading 新疆萨吾尔冬牧节,阿星吃大锅冰川羊肉,体验哈萨克族游牧民俗Big pot glacier lamb in Xinjiang

岜沙苗寨隐藏在贵州从江县的山区,这里是最后一个合法持枪的部落,岜沙成年男子世世代代刀不离腰,肩不离枪。苗寨还保持着原始的生活习惯和民族风貌,用镰刀剃头,男耕女织,不随意砍伐树木,树就是这里的灵魂。阿星来到这里品尝特色腌鱼,果园辣子鸡。Basha Miao Village is hidden in the mountains of Congjiang County, Guizhou Province. This is the last tribe that legally holds guns. For generations, adult men in Basha have kept their swords on their waists and guns on their shoulders. The Miao village still maintains the original living habits and… Continue Reading 贵州从江岜沙苗寨,最后的持枪部落,阿星吃酸辣腌鱼,烟熏腊肠Basha Miao village food in Guizhou

四川彭州的九尺镇确实美食众多,红油剔骨肉也是不可错过的美味。小镇上的川菜老店生意火爆,不仅上菜速度快,菜品味道也很好,把红油剔骨肉做出了名。来吃饭的食客络绎不绝,点菜交流都要靠喊,阿星还吃到了地道的甑子米饭。 Jiuchi Town in Pengzhou, Sichuan does have many delicacies, and red oil deboned meat is also a delicacy that cannot be missed. The old Sichuan restaurant in the small town is booming. Not only is the serving speed fast, but the food tastes very good. It is famous for… Continue Reading 四川彭州红油剔骨肉,九尺镇老店,生意好上菜快,阿星吃甑子米饭Red oil deboned meat in Pengzhou, Sichuan

上海历史上作为移民城市,汇聚了八方美食和菜系,在不断的学习和融合中形成了独特的上海菜。上海菜又叫沪菜,上海人称之为本帮菜,以浓油赤酱和甜糯醇厚为特色,刀工厨艺比较复杂,烹制时间也较长,百年来在当地无论社会名流还是普通百姓都很喜欢。阿星品尝百年上海菜老饭店招牌菜,八宝鸭,虾籽大乌参,草头圈子,糟钵斗,扣三丝,体验美味的沪菜史。 As a city of immigrants in history, Shanghai has gathered all kinds of cuisines and delicacies, and formed a unique Shanghai cuisine through continuous learning and integration. Shanghai cuisine is also called Hu cuisine, and Shanghai people call it the local cuisine. It is characterized by thick oily red… Continue Reading 上海百年本帮菜,浓油赤酱沪菜老味道,阿星吃草头圈子,虾籽乌参Traditional local dishes in Shanghai

布尔津是新疆阿勒泰的一座边疆小城,冬天额尔齐斯河千里冰封,到处覆盖着白雪,糖果色的建筑有梦幻的感觉,也被称作童话小城。阿星来到布尔津品尝美食,大盘辣子鸡拌面,红彤彤的线椒爆炒鸡块,再拌入酱汁和皮带面,阿星吃了3个加面不过瘾。 Buerjin is a small border town in Aletai, Xinjiang. In winter, the Irtysh River is frozen for thousands of miles, covered with snow everywhere, and the candy-colored buildings have a dreamlike feeling. It is also known as a fairy tale town. Axing came to Buerjin to taste delicious food,… Continue Reading 新疆童话小城布尔津,大盘辣子鸡拌面,3份皮带加面,红线椒香辣Spicy chicken noodle in Buerjin, Xinjiang

安铺镇是广东四大古镇之一,也是有名的美食小镇,街边,骑楼下,巷子里都隐藏着很多好吃的,过条街转个角就有不一样的美食。现蒸的肉馅白籺,油炸的糯米鸡,自制的糖蒜红姜,竹甘蔗汁,安铺白切鸡,簸箕炊,鱼生粥,牛肉干等等,想吃下这些真得从天亮到天黑,阿星带你品尝古镇美食。 Anpu Town is one of the four ancient towns in Guangdong. It is also a famous food town. There are many delicious food hidden on the street, under the arcade, and in the alley. There are different food around the corner. Freshly steamed meat white-Ai, fried glutinous rice chicken,… Continue Reading 广东安铺美食古镇,白切鸡配沙姜,肉馅白籺,阿星吃簸箕炊鱼生粥Anpu ancient town food in Guangdong

广东廉江的高桥红树林是目前中国最大的红树林自然生态保护区,优越的自然环境和适宜的温度使得物产特别丰富。特别是滩涂里的泥丁,是这里最主要的特产。阿星来到当地农庄品尝农家菜,泥丁粥,清蒸泥丁,还有经典粤菜脆皮小棠菜。 The Gaoqiao Mangrove Forest in Lianjiang, Guangdong is currently the largest mangrove natural ecological reserve in China. The superior natural environment and suitable temperature make the products particularly rich. In particular, the Niding in the tidal flat is the main specialty here. Axing came to the local farm to… Continue Reading 广东廉江红树林,特产泥丁120一斤,煮粥鲜美,阿星吃脆皮小棠菜Farmhouse Cantonese cuisine in Lianjiang

来到广东台山少不了吃海鲜,最出名的就是台山生蚝,因为咸淡水交汇,很适合生蚝生长,蚝肉饱满爽口,当地的名菜就是胡椒水浸生蚝。还有本地带膏的青蟹,红色斑节虾,味道都很鲜甜。在海鲜市场挑选好可以就地加工,码头旁边加工店里的腊味煲仔饭更是一份惊喜。 When you come to Taishan, Guangdong, you must eat seafood. The most famous one is Taishan oysters. Because the salty and fresh water meet, it is very suitable for the growth of oysters. The oyster meat is plump and refreshing. The local famous dish is oysters soaked in pepper.… Continue Reading 广东台山广海海鲜,胡椒水浸生蚝,清蒸满膏蟹,阿星吃大红斑节虾Seafood delicacies in Taishan, Guangdong