Dong Po Rou (Dongpo pork) is a well known dish from the Jiangsu & Zhejiang provinces. It’s made with pork belly. Half fat, and half lean meat. When you eat it, it’s instantly melt in your mouth, and with a taste of shaoxing wine. According to the legend, this dish… Continue Reading Super Delicious Braised Pork Belly (Dong Po Rou) CiCi Li

#苗阿朵美食#白斩鸡#清蒸鱼 苗大姐到浙江农村游玩,厨艺着实厉害,一桌子菜个个都爱吃! 大家好,我是苗阿朵💕 吃都吃得没滋没味,怎能活得有滋有味~ 阿朵为你分享农村生活,乡村美食做法,吃的就是原生态美食! 喜欢我的话就赶紧订阅吧!▶【】 source