上街買條草魚,秋妹用炭火烤著吃,配菜豐富吃的好巴适! 【顏美食】 秋妹為大家提供了多種語言字幕,請打開視頻右下角打開字幕觀看視頻哦~ 大家好,我是顏美食的秋妹,別看我年紀輕輕,其實可會做飯了,當然也能吃飯~ 來自四川的辣妹子無辣不歡 秋妹打卡好吃的飯店【Explore the shop】:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIxgacX55yrhhDHgk1_8v9UaNyEV8o_1w 一開飯就停不下來的秋妹【Eat and broadcast】:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIxgacX55yrhs-wuni8QgSTXh7pse35sM 秋妹每天都會分享一道美食,讓人食慾大開,讓挑食的你,從此愛上每一道菜! 請大家多多支持,歡迎點擊【右上角】訂閱關注秋妹和姐姐,點擊【小鈴鐺】每天第一時間看到最新的內容哦! https://yanmeishi.page.link/naxz #炭火烤魚#烤魚#顏美食 source

Founded by Mr Li who comes from Henan, China, the stall specialises in Chinese cuisine, serving more than 60 dishes, including skewers. Ever seen the appealing grilled fish (烤鱼) advertisements but haven’t gotten a chance to try? Liu Liang Ban serves their grilled fish in a variety of flavours. Their… Continue Reading Wallet-friendly grilled fish and delicious Sichuan cuisines | Liu Liang Ban (六两半)