#酥肉#炖菜#山东美食#五花肉#木耳 大家好,我是鲁小味,一个爱好美食的地道吃货,不管是探店还是自己动手做,我都会把美食和美好生活的热爱用视频的形式表达出来。 爱美食,爱生活,更爱家—鲁小味 source

In our last video we stopped over at the BBQ capital of Shandong, Zibo. For our next stop we drove about 30km west from the city center in order to try out another lesser known local specialty 煮锅, literally translated to boiling pot. This giant pot is placed in the… Continue Reading Ultimate Chinese Food Tour in Shandong | Sharing GIANT Boiling Pot With Locals in Zibo